

"No one leaves for good, Leo."

"When you think that you'll never go to see that person again, always remember this, time and fate work hand in hand and create magic. You may not see them physically again, but you will always feel them by heart."

The man, still laying on his bed and half-awake remembered the same words his lover once told him. No, it was not a dream, but a vague memory from his past still wavering in his mind. The same phrases he doesn't want to forget hoping that one day, if time permits, he will see his Damon again. Even though he knew how impossible it was, he clung to every word he once asserted to him.

His arm was hanging on his forehead barely showing his eyes and the other resting on his stomach feeling the smooth fabric of his blanket covering half his body. Leo didn't want to get out of bed yet, but his brain orders him to do so. He is going to visit his family today, which he had told his brother the other night.

He clamped his hands together and stretched his arms and palms outward, releasing its stiffness and then allowing it to drop beside his body in such a loose way. Then, let out a broad yawn before getting up and greeting Damon with a good morning as usual. The sun was hiding behind some dark clouds and it was windy outside but Leo preferred to have a cold bath instead of a warm one. With the towel still wrapped around his waist, he grabbed the hair blower and patiently dried his hair which was quite long so it took him minutes to do so. He realized that he needed to drop by the barbershop and get a haircut already. Damon used to cut it for him and remembered how good his lover was at it, but, since the man's passing, he has to pay a visit to the barbershop from now on.

He finally finished and then put on his jeans and a hoody and peeked out the window to see if the weather is fine. Again, he hates the rain and wonders if it will pour again. Whenever he plans to go somewhere or do something, the rain follows which was infuriating for him.

Hope the weather is fine on Saturday, he thought.

Again, the man with almonds eyes crossed his mind. His forehead folded at the thought of seeing Kalen waiting for him outside with a beaming smile on his face. He shook his head a bit, embarrassed by his imagination. Not a date, just a peace offering, he thought. It was interrupted though when his phone suddenly beeped. He checked his phone and saw his brother's name on the screen.

"Are you on your way?"

"I'll just drop by the barbershop, then go straight there. Prepare breakfast, Ge."

Leo answered back, grabbing his wallet and making his way downstairs, already forgetting the sight earlier.

"Alright. See you, then. Take care."

Leo didn't reply, went straight to the entryway area to put on his shoes, and pulled out the umbrella from the stand. He made it outside and checked his watch; "7:30.." He muttered. Still enough time to get to the barbershop before lots of people raids it. It usually opens at 8:00 but he doesn't want to wait in line so he comes early even though it's just a walking distance from his apartment building. The earlier, the better, he thought.

When he made it out of the building, he immediately looked up at the sky to see how dark it was. Luckily, not as murky as the time they went to visit the cemetery but sure was pretty windy. He rushed to the place and got there even before the owner opens. He waited for at least a minute or so before he finally saw the owner coming out of a cab. The owner, a short middle-aged man walked toward Leo and gave him a fatherly smile. Leo smiled back a bit and greeted the man.

"Good Morning, Mr. Arthur."

"Good Morning, Leo. You're early as usual."

The man chuckled and Leo just gave a faint hum. Leo has been coming to his shop for about a year and a half now. He likes the kid even though he is quiet and already memorized the kind of haircut Leo wants every time he would drop by. They immediately proceeded and since there are no other customers yet, the place is calm and unbothered. They usually don't talk much with each other and the old man is kind of used to it with him. Twenty minutes had passed and they were finally finished.

"You're all done, kid." The man said, removing the black cloth cape on Leo and brushing off some of the hair on his hoody.

Leo looked at the mirror again and smiled at the old man before thanking and paying him.

His eyes and strong eyebrows are visible again and the old man did a good job trimming off his unwanted parts but not excessively, giving way to show some of his foreheads. His naturally brown hair and a new haircut made him look more intimidating and superior.

He said goodbye to the old man and made his way out to get a cab and go to his Uncle's house. He stretched out his arm when he saw one coming and fortunately, it stopped for him. When he opened the backseat door, his mouth agape upon seeing the person seating on the other end, it was the man he was imagining earlier, Kalen. The man was also stunned to see him and they both remained to look at each other for another 10 seconds. Leo then snapped and got in, cautious not to sit too close to Kalen, and the taxi slowly moved away. He instructed the driver where to go and they were quiet for a short time after that until the other one finally spoke.

"Good Morning, Mr. Leo. Nice haircut." Said Kalen, trying to hold back his smile but looking outside instead and not directly at Leo for some reason.

Leo looked at the man, both brows raised feeling quite shy by sudden approbation. His eyes wandered for a bit then felt the courage to say something.

"Hi. You noticed." Leo said giving Kalen a quick look before turning his head again to the window as well. Kalen veered his head to the man and offered him a gentle smile.

"Yes. I'm quite attentive to things, Mr. Leo."

"You sure are, Mr. Kalen." Not looking in the direction of the man.

Both were tongue-tied after and felt something unusual between them. They can sense the tension inside the taxi but both to their surprise, it was not hostile but like a desire, a strong wanting for something to happen. They felt identical and they tried their best to avoid each other's eyes. Leo gulped at the situation cause he didn't understand what was going on. He can feel his face flush and he was suddenly anxious and joyous at the same time. It was like the same feeling when he first met Damon, and the first time they felt affection towards each other. But, why is he feeling it now with Kalen, and in this situation? He thought, feeling bewildered. Kalen on the other hand just kept quiet but was also feeling uncomfortable because of the man sitting beside him. He cleared his throat how many times and also wondered why he was feeling uncertain. Suspicious about what he was sensing or feeling.

Unaware that they are both feeling the same way, they thought that they were just minding their own business and didn't speak to not disturb each other. But the truth was, they were dying to talk to each other.

The whole ride was intense until the driver stopped at a building letting Kalen know that they have finally arrived at the location. He again cleared his throat and looked at Leo not knowing that the man was already staring at him. He locked his eyes with Leo for a second before shifting it away to the driver, handing him the payment then gave a quick smile and said goodbye to Leo, opening the door beside him and getting out as fast as he could and as if nothing happened. Before shutting it, he leaned forward to look at Leo again and uttered;

"See you on Saturday, Leo."

He closed it slowly and went on his way. Leo didn't say a word and just stared at Kalen as he climbs the building stairs. His brows furrowed a bit and realized that the once stranger forgot to mention something, that MR. He would always say his name formally in the middle of a sentence or at the end of every line but he seemed to forget to say it when he goes. A "maybe" came to Leo's mind all of a sudden. Maybe Kalen is already feeling comfortable around him now, or maybe he was teasing him. He thought of every possible "maybe" and continued to do so until he finally reached his destination. He gave the payment to the driver and got out of the cab still in deep thought.

But, as he came face to face with the wrought iron gate, he briefly forgot about Kalen and was changed to something from the past, the first time he and his brother arrived to be with their uncle. He pressed the gate bell twice and waited for a moment before the maid finally opened it. The maid, who is a middle-aged woman happily greeted Leo before he enters and Leo greeted her back politely. He followed her in silence wandering his eyes at the place.

This was his second home. A Gable front house with a vast and gorgeous front yard garden. On both sides of a wide brick path, different kinds of flowers in full bloom will be the first thing that will welcome someone who enters. Benches sit still in the soil covered with grasses which give it an orderly look and the fancy fountain in the middle is pleasing to the eyes. Leo walked slowly taking in the fresh air. He walked around the fountain and climbed up the marble staircase. Elegant to the ears, but for Leo, it was the home of the person that took care of him and his brother when their parents died, the person who tried his best to give them not just a house to live in, but a happy place to call home.

The maid opened the door and Leo looked around before going inside. He immediately noticed the photos below the big plain mirror, ones you will instantly see once you enter the house. The maid walked her way to the kitchen leaving him behind as he reminisced the good old days with his brother and uncle. He brushed his fingers at the table walking towards each photo, staring at each one while smiling. A separate photo of his mom, which was his uncle's younger sister, and a separate photo of his dad are both on the other end, smiling brightly. He lifts the frame of his mom and gave it a sweet but sorrowful smile. "Hey, mom." He whispered.

Then, a call coming from behind startled Leo a bit and when he looked back, he saw a white-haired man with his cane slowly going downstairs. Leo puts down his mother's photo and quickly met the old man halfway down the stairs to assist him. It was his dear uncle smiling widely at him.

They made it down the stairs and the old man immediately provided his nephew with a tight hug as if he didn't see him for the longest time. Leo did the same thing as he missed his uncle too very much. Their relationship is not just an uncle and nephew, but more like a father and a son. Something he longed for every day. His uncle didn't marry and has no children so they were closest to the thing for the old man.

"Oh, My boy! How are you? Uncle missed you so much." He exclaimed cheerfully while patting his nephew's back.

"Yes, I'm her uncle. Just fair. I've missed you too."

His uncle broke the hug and gently squeezed Leo's cheeks, something he would do ever since Leo was a child and still something he does whenever he sees him. Leo smiled at his uncle and walked him slowly to sit on the sofa.

"You're losing weight, my boy. Are you feeling unwell?"

They both sit and chatted for a while.

"No, uncle. I'm feeling fine. Just too much work I guess. Please don't worry about me. I worry about you. How are you?"

"I am okay now my boy. Your brother is taking care of me well. He does all the work for the business and I am very grateful to him, to both of you."

"But where is he?"

"He went out for a while to grab some things. He will be back soon. Come, let's go to the dining room and eat breakfast. Felix made your favorite."

Leo's expression changed to an excited one. His older brother is a good cook and always makes his favorite whenever he visits. He assisted his uncle as they walked slowly, holding his arm tight. They made it to the dining area and Leo's eyes immediately expressed satisfaction. His brother prepared him xiaolongbao, deep-fried dough sticks, rice noodles, and tofu pudding. He sits with his uncle and made his way to his seat, the same one he had always used. He started munching at his food like a little kid and his uncle just watched him, amused by his behavior.

Leo lifted his head to look at his uncle who was still staring at him and noticed that he is not eating.

"Uncle, why are you not eating?"

"My dear, I already did. These are all for you. Your brother made these for you."

His fatherly laugh echoed through the whole dining area when suddenly Felix walked in through the door, smiling from ear to ear upon hearing his uncle's laugh and knowing that his brother had already arrived.

He had missed this scene for a long time and his brother around the house. Just like when they were young when Leo was still the cheerful lad he and his uncle once knew.