

"Message sent.."

Perspiration came out from Leo's hand while staring at his phone not knowing where he got the courage to text Kalen like that. He must have been surprised, he thought. Even though his intentions were not clear but we're sure about one thing, he wanted to catch a glimpse of the man again.

After a delectable breakfast with his uncle and brother, the three made their way to the back of the house for some fresh air. The outdoor porch is perfect to dip in a little daylight and relax, facing the spacious backyard with a pool in the middle, a trampoline, and a swing not far from it. It reminded Leo of the younger days with his brother and when he used to bring Damon along when he comes for a visit, jumping up and down like little kids.

He and his brother slacked on the sofa while their uncle relaxed on the racking chair beside them. He rested his head on the back pillow, closed his eyes, and bathe freely under the sun. His hands folded together on his stomach, his foot one above the other and the sound of a faint creak coming from the aged racking chair was all that can be heard. The warm touch of sunlight on his face and the gentle wind passing through his body made him didn't want to leave the place. City life is so different from the countryside, serene, he thought.

His brother and uncle both smiled while staring at Leo lounging like a little boy. Unaware of their gaze, the relaxing man remained tempted by the peaceful mood, moving his head slowly on each side and just breathing in the sterile environment around him. He gently opened his eyes and noticed the men looking at him fondly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He confusedly asked both men, looking back at forth at them.

The old man just chuckled at the sight of his nephew.

"We're just glad you're here, son. You should visit more and bring your new friend with you next time."

Leo furrowed at his uncle out of bafflement, in which he didn't know whose friend the old man is talking about. He turned to his brother with a confused eye but his brother just gave him a wicked smile.

New friend? He thought. His eyes narrowed at his brother mouthing him without uttering a word; "What friend?"

Felix just giggled at the confused Leo who is now obviously annoyed at him, his brows ruffled, rolling his eyes at his irritating brother. Leo and Felix gazed back at their uncle who was staring at a distance, looking particularly at the happy memories he and his nephews once had.

"Uncle? Are you okay?" Leo asked his uncle softly, wondering where his uncle might be.

The old man gave his nephew a gentle smile pointing at the trampoline standing still on the level ground that has never been used for a long time, as dead leaves carried by the wind already inhabited it.

"Do you remember when you and Felix were younger? The man began to giggle at the memories he thought back to years ago, still staring at the obsolete thing.

"Both of you were playing at that thing when suddenly you fell off it. You two had a minor argument and Felix pushed you so hard you almost injure your head then you came running to me begging me to punish your older brother."

Both the older man and Felix guffawed at the memory but Leo frowned at it, raising his pouty lips upward not looking either at the men sitting beside him. Of course, he remembers it as if it was just yesterday. How could he forget? He and his brother were arguing about his sexuality at that time cause he was too embarrassed to admit it, not only to his family but most especially to himself.

But he was glad in a way. When it's finally time to come clean about what he truly is and what he truly believes, his uncle and brother assure him that they understand and that he is loved no matter what.

"That was hilarious, Leo. You were so mad at me for pushing you to tell me that you're gay which you could've just told us from the moment you realized that you were. Should have been easier to just admit it rather than concealing it."

The two were still giggling at the embarrassed man but Leo was already getting aggravated. He came to visit his uncle not to be laughed at but given the circumstances, he was really glad he came out.

"What about you, Ge?" Leo immediately strikes back at his brother.

His uncle leaned forward and raised his brow at Felix who is now blushing at the sudden question about his little brother. The man cleared his throat and looked at his wondering uncle's face.

"What about me? He asked, averting his eyes somewhere else but Leo just looked at him with a playful smirk.

Their uncle quickly pacified the situation before it evolved into a more serious discussion.

"Felix, you can tell uncle anything. But if you are still unsure now, you can tell me when you're ready. I don't mind. Uncle will understand."

Felix looked at his uncle with a soft smile, thanking him with his gentle eyes.

"So Leo, who is this Kalen your brother told me about?"

"He was Damon's best friend, the uncle. I and Felix met him at the cemetery."


"I think that Kalen guy is a good man, uncle. I happened to see him again last night at a restaurant." Felix entered the conversation. "And extremely handsome too if I say so myself." He added.

"Kalen? You two became close or something?" Asked Leo raising his brow at his brother.

"I think we did last night after he told me that you are his client and that he is working on a project for the café, which you didn't tell me?"

"Oh is that right, Leo? What a small world. Maybe the two of you are fated to meet."

"My manager recommended him to my uncle, it's not like I picked him.

"My dear, fate doesn't work like that. A person may come when you don't anticipate it at all and sometimes, at a bad time."

"And Leo here uncle invited him over to his apartment, which is kind of surprising don't you think?"

Leo frowned at his brother for spilling out such none sense news to their uncle but the old man just chuckled at the two brothers.

"I invited him to discuss something and that's it."

"But you know Leo, Kalen is..."

Before Felix can continue his sentence, the maid interrupted their conversation and whispered something at the old man. Felix smiled and stood up to go to his uncle, assisting him to get up from his seat and Leo just raised a brow.

"My boy, follow me and your brother. We have something to show you."

Leo was puzzled but didn't ask any questions about where they were going and quietly followed the two from behind. He walked slowly attending the careful steps of his uncle until they made it out the front door, stopping at the top of the stairs Leo's eyes expanded when he saw what his uncle was talking about.

A Tesla Model 3 with a flashy red color that is so hot and sexy to the eyes, making Leo speechless and awestruck. His open-mouthed expression gave the two men standing beside him a chuckle and his uncle patted him on the back, motioning him to go down and give the new car a check. Leo was confused but immediately complied and goes down to see the incredible vehicle parked in front of the house. He wandered around the car checking every inch of it as the two men make their way down as well with a huge smiles on their faces.


Leo's uncle whispered, giving away his tender smile to the excited man. Leo with his hoisted brow looked at his uncle and tilted his head stunned by what his uncle just said.

"This is for you. Your birthday is nearing so your brother and I decided to give you this as an advanced birthday gift."

Leo's eyes beamed with more excitement as he heard that the car belongs to him. He has a thing for cars and motorcycles but prefers to have a ride like this because it's more convenient to use and it is a remarkable model. Damon's fave immediately came to his mind. He would've loved it, he thought. He hugged his uncle and thanked him for the wonderful gift while his brother pouted at him.

"Hey! What about me? I'm the one who chose that!" Felix grumbled extending his arms to his little brother.

"Fine. Thank you, Ge." Hugging his brother as well.

"You can go on a date with that, Leo. Felix whispered to Leo's ears but the man can only whirl his eyes at his brother's idea.

Then, a flash of Kalen's face appeared on his mind.


"Wait for me outside."

The confused Kalen kept reviewing the text message Leo sent him a while ago. His eyes show disturbance as he wanders around the office, slacking in his chair. He had said to Matt earlier that he is somewhat glad whenever he has the chance to see Leo but, he wonders about the man's intentions. Not only he is a client, but they had just met a few days ago. Leo was Damon's lover and he and Matt's best friend.

With all the thoughts that were running through his mind, he managed to get back to work and finish it in time.

It was nearly lunchtime and his friend Kath already ordered for the both of them, convincing him to eat with her on the rooftop which he didn't want to at first but the charming lady won him over in the end with her puppy eyes.

He excused himself from the other employees and went straight to the rooftop where his friend was already waiting, sitting on the bench. He walked towards the woman who was busy unpacking the lunch when Kalen surprised her from behind. She jerked up from her seat thinking that she was gonna have a heart attack. We laughed at her reaction and so he got a smack from her causing him to flinch a little.

"Gosh, Kalen! Don't do that again I'm warning you."

We just giggled and sat on the empty seat, checking what his friend had bought for him. The light on Kalen's eyes came out as soon as he saw what the woman ordered for lunch, his favorite Sichuan Cuisines. Kung Pao Chicken, Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork, and Dandan noodles were all mouth-numbing cause as a Chongqing native, Kalen has a high tolerance for spicy foods and it also reminds him back home.

It was a feast to the eyes for them as both loved native spicy delicacies.

They proceeded to bolt down the luscious fare while laughing at each other's stories until Kath started asking the back story of Kalen's medication. She had lunch with him many times but didn't bother to inquire at the time cause he only met him but now she was comfortable enough to ask. Kalen tried to avoid the questions but as persistent as Kath was, he gave up.

"Just don't tell anyone about this. I don't like it when people look and treat me differently and don't ask any more questions after."

"Okay okay. No problem."

"Well, I was a sickly kid. When I was little I developed a..uhh..rare skin disease. So up until now, I must take maintenance to..uhmm..stop the disease from coming back. That's that."

Kalen fibbed and tried not to show it on his face but the surprised woman didn't take notice. He tries desperately every time someone will ask him about his maintenance but dared not to speak the real story behind it and there were enough reasons as to why. Skin disease was the only reason he could think of when they ask. Kath didn't ask questions again and continued to swallow the food while Kalen lost his appetite because of the topic.

She noticed and felt a little bad for the man, not because of the disease itself, but because he has to endure it even after growing into a man, or so she thought.

"Your secret is safe with me, Kalen." She said, smiling softly at him.

We just gave a fake smile in return and felt a bit guilty but, he was not ready to tell her the real reason either.

After finishing the food and throwing the garbage in the bin, Kath grabbed something from his pocket. We already knew what it was so he distanced himself a bit from his friend. They stood apart at the glass railing resting both their elbows on the rail as the woman lit a stick cigarette, wasting her health like the ashes plummeting on the floor but seeming to enjoy it immensely. Kalen, on the other hand, is sensitive about being with someone who smokes but he didn't want to offend the woman so he stayed even though he shouldn't be inhaling it. The wind was plagued by the fume and still reached him even though he was far so he politely distanced himself more.

Kath noticed her officemate being comfortable so instantly threw away the cigarette, waving her hand in the air as she blows off the last smoke left in her mouth. She walked towards Kalen who was staring far away, particularly at nothing with his palm on his chin.

"Hey, you." She brushed her shoulder with Kalen's and smiled.

The man regained his senses and looked at her beside him, staring at him.


"Yup. Hey Kal, let's go out on Saturday. It's our day off. Come with me to the mall."

Kalen thinks for a while before remembering that Leo invited him and he already confirmed.

"Maybe next time, Kath. I have an appointment on Saturday, sorry."


"Yes. Sorry."

"Stop apologizing will you? It's fine. Maybe I should find a boyfriend. It's so boring to go out alone."

Kath hissed at her crisis but Kalen can only give her a pat on the back and giggle at the same time.

"Kath let's go back down now. I still have work to do and by the way, thanks for the treat."

"Okay. Okay. Yup, you're welcome."

Both made their way to their floor and parted ways to go to their separate offices when Kalen's phone beeped. He stopped walking halfway when Leo's name appeared in his inbox.

"Dinner later after I pick you up."

Kalen scratched his head as he frowned at the text message again, trying to recall when he and Leo became close.

"Seriously, Me. Leo, what is up with you." He mumbled.

He didn't reply to Leo and continued to walk towards his office when his phone beeped again. He didn't dare to look at who it was as he sits on his chair and continued to work the rest of the day.

It was already nearing 7:30 pm when he finally finished his work. Only a few were left at the office and he started to tidy up his workplace when he suddenly thought of Leo's message. Thinking Leo was not serious, he eventually forgot it and didn't bother to check his phone again as the afternoon passed. He then said goodbye to the employees and lazily walked to the elevator, pushing the ground floor button and resting his head on the elevator wall briefly closing his eyes.

Two rings came from the elevator bell informing him that he had reached the ground floor. As he walked towards the entrance, he gazed upon a familiar silhouette walking towards him. He stopped at the sight, and stood still when he realized who it was.

It was Leo with his expressionless face coming nearer to him. He froze when the man slowed up his pace, finally facing him just a few inches apart, only to not speak but to stare at him with his crashing gape. They looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity for Kalen when he eventually tries to speak the words that he should've said from the start.

But instead, he uttered something else.

"You're here, Leo."

Kalen's eye broadened, his lips slightly separated and his breathing became deeper as he stared at the inscrutable yet impressive visual of the man in front of him, shocked by the own words that came out of his mouth. He felt his face turn hot and he started to stammer.

"I mean..Sir, Mr. Leo..you're here. What are you doing here? I mean..you're here. What..hmm..you.."

Leo put up a brow, looked at the time on his phone, and showed it to Kalen almost shoving it at the man's face.

"It's almost 8.."

Kalen was taken aback by Leo's sudden gesture and so he became disgruntled, removing Leo's phone away from his face harshly.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Leo?"

"I told you I will pick you up. Let's go."

He turned his back at Kalen walking towards the entrance, leaving the man bewildered. He just hissed, in doubt if he will follow Leo or not. He stood there still thinking about what to do when he sees Leo coming back.

The man grabbed his hand, not his wrist but his hand, and pulled him towards the entrance. His feet followed freely as if it was not his own, but someone else's.

But, he couldn't do anything about it.

Not now.