

Kalen feels a tingle inside his body, like an electric current flowing through his whole being that intensifies with each passing second as Leo pulls him closer to his burning exterior. The younger starts to fondle Kalen's exposed skin, lovingly stroking details of his flawless neck down to his venous arms then clenching the older's sleek hands. They let go of each other's lips for a second to catch some air then returned once again for more bussing. Leo, who realizes that the man has no experience in such things, guides the man as considerately and as gently as he can but Kalen, even though not as skilled as he is, doesn't show any signs of backing down.

Leo's kiss is becoming amorous as he puts Karen's arms around his neck, lifting and wrapping his skinny thighs around his waist making the other gasp out of shock but, Kalen's body is too carried away to even protest, willingly allowing the dominant one to take control of the situation. Leo started walking towards the nearest area which is the living room, not separating his lips from the other.

The two made their way to the couch and Leo slowly puts down Kalen, momentarily breaking off the kiss. They stared at each other with both eyes full of hunger but Leo was worried that the other might get uncomfortable so he consulted him first in a sweet and low tone while rubbing the once stranger's mushy cheeks.

"Do you want me to go on? It's okay if you don't want to if you're uncomfortable."

Kalen, doing the same thing as Leo, caressing the younger's handsome countenance and his cherry lips, responded with a cute giggle.

"We made it this far and you still think that I feel uncomfortable? I'm the one who is worried about you. You said that you're not feeling well. How are you feeling now?"

Leo replied with a loving peck on the man's forehead and cheeks, looked at him with seductive eyes, and whispered at the uncertain man's blushing ear.

"I just want you, right here, right now."

The man's plea gave a tickling sensation on the older's entire body, a chance Leo grabbed to get down to Kalen's midsection and lift his shirt using his teeth while looking into the helpless man's eyes with his roaring ones, showing off his leading aura. He dabbled his mischievous tongue on Kalen's abdomen making the other cry a little in pleasure, biting his lower lip as he grips on Leo's arms.

Leo noticed the man's clutch on him and curtailed with a worried stare.


Kalen, realizing that Leo had stopped, looks at him in wonder and asked with a disappointed accent;

"Why did you stop?"

"Sorry. I thought that..are you okay?"

Asked Leo while slowly climbing up to meet with Kalen's face. Understanding what Leo was talking about, he quickly covered his face with a pillow and hissed out of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Leo..was I gripping too hard? It was so good I couldn't control myself.."

Kalen's muffled voice made Leo chuckle. He sits up beside the man and gently clasps the man's wrist, trying to convince him to remove the thing from his face.

"No, show me your face, Kalen. I'm not hurt, see?"

Leo raised one arm assuring Kalen that he is not hurt while shaking him softly with the other. And after so, the embarrassed man obliged, fixed his shirt, and quietly got up. The younger smiled at his shy face and pulled Kalen towards him, providing him with a tight hug and a peck.

"You just got back from Shanghai, didn't you?"



"Hm. Are you going to feed me?"

"You want me too? We can also watch a movie if you like."

Kalen's smile increased at Leo's question then teased him back with an alluring voice;

"In your bedroom.?"

Leo strikes back with a sensual whisper while staring up and down at Kalen's complexion as if wanting to snatch another kiss from those juicy lips again.

"You want to? I'll make you full I promise, just say the word."

To Kalen, the man's lips work like magic, mesmerizing and dragging him into a fantasy he doesn't want to wake up to. He swallowed what's left of his consciousness and landed on Leo's sweet lips with desperate kisses, savoring the man's tasteless spittle and then biting it until it became swollen. Leo didn't have time to ready himself for Kalen's sudden invasion but managed to yank the guy to stop him, authorizing him to feel his already screaming sanctuary inside which Kalen seemed to enjoy.

The two catch their breath for a second then returned to engulfing each other's ledges as if their lives depended on it.

The atmosphere surrounding them is so intense, that nothing seems to matter anymore until Leo decided to stop midway again making the other frown in dissatisfaction.


"Are you sure about this? Cause we can.."

Before he could continue, Kalen's lips blocked his, and Leo's eyes softened, indicating the last straw for him for he couldn't resist the man's power over him anymore. The next thing they knew, they were pulling out each other's tops and throwing them like garbage on the floor.

Kalen suddenly mumbled in a breathy voice what Leo wanted to confirm from him and smiled;

"Take me, Leo."

Leo gaped and squeezed Kalen's waist from too much excitement while murmuring to the man's ear;

"As you wish."

He smiled at Kalen playfully and so did the other one. They both stood up from their place and began bussing again, removing their undergarments each step of their way and leaving them dispersed anywhere without care. They made it to the stairs but stopped halfway to continue their salacious business just because they can.

As they are now both bared, Leo made Kalen turn around and start kissing his nape aggressively, then down to his shoulder blade releasing a faint moan from the older. Leo continued to sweep Kalen's back, exploring it around like candy, making his way to his back dimple and kissing it gently. Kalen just stood still, eyes closed and body full of appetency as he enjoys his last moments of purity, leaving everything in Leo's hands. He felt Leo stand up from behind and gasped when he suddenly smacked his buttocks, leaving it with a pinkish stain then turning him around again and raining him with wild kisses starting from his jawline, then his chin down to his chest.

But Leo was hindered, furrowing at his sudden discovery while Kalen, marveled. He touched his lover's chest and the man's eyes grew wide open at him, indicating a nervous gesture. He forgot all about his scar and Leo had already seen it and is now too late to hide it.

"What's this?"

Questioned Leo while he brushes his fingers to what seemed to be an aged wound. He took a peek at the man and realized the worried look in his eyes, instantly feeling unpleasant. He gets closer to him and caressed his cheek.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me anything now."

Kalen sweetly gave out a smile in relief and for his lover's understanding, thanking and repaying him with a passionate kiss and resuming again their interrupted romance.

They made their way to Leo's room while kissing intensely and let Kalen top him first as he continues to taste his delicate edges.

When it's time for Leo to be on top, he gently switches position with Kalen, grabbing his waist and slowly setting him down without breaking the kiss. Once they were settled, Leo took a moment to appreciate and admire the man under him, ogling at Kalen's statuesque image.

"You ready?"

Kalen nodded but his face reflects nervousness. He rested his arms on his forehead as his heart pounded with so much anxiety but flowed with eagerness as well to finally be one with him. Leo reached for that thing inside the drawer which made Kalen's soul fearful even more. The man plucked his arm out of his face and placed his hand on his burning body, sliding it down to his erection.

He carefully demonstrated to Kalen what he should do and the man committed without questions. He plays with Leo's manhood like a pro giving chills to the younger's body. After he nuzzled Kalen's anterior with so much affection, it made the man groan with pleasure. Then, Lei carefully approaches the other's hardness and plays with it with his hand before eventually nipping it in between his mouth. Kalen's toes curl up, his insides feel like burning and his eyes roll up as Leo starts to devour his manhood, drenched with the man's froth going up and down making his body curve with so much elation.

After he was done with Kalen's toy, he puts a sufficient amount of lubricant in his hand and Kalen's breathing instantly began to heighten, realizing that he is about to lose his innocence with Leo, the man he never thought of in a thousand years would be the one to take him but now, he is here, waiting to be obtained.

"Please be gentle with me, Leo."

Leo's eyes fueled even more when Kalen called him by his name, and glances at the bottom man with so much hunger. Kalen gulped, he knew what will come next.

Leo then spread Kalen's legs slowly and put on the oil on the man's cave, slowly entering a finger, making Kalen's whole body harden while gripping the sheets harshly.

"I'm going in."

He carefully tries to enter him but the man's body gave in. Kalen groaned for he couldn't handle the pain attaining him, and asked Leo to stop.

"Leo, I'm scared. I'm sorry."

He reasoned with a tiny tear in his eyes.

He titled his body and looks away from him, thinking that he displeased him but Leo hurriedly came to his comfort.

"Kalen, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. Are you okay?"

The worried man stroked Kalen's silky hair when he realized that the other was getting emotional. Leo immediately snuggled him and kissed his flushed cheek, apologizing again for the discomfort he had put on him.

"Look at me. I'm sorry, okay? Kal? Don't cry. If you don't want to continue, it's okay, we don't have to."

Kalen turned to look at Leo and sadly stared at him.

"No. I want to. It's just that, I feel like a burden to you in this and fear got the best of me. I wanted it to be perfect but, I guess I just ruined it, sorry."

"baby, It is perfect. You are perfect."

"Stop joking. I'm far from that."

"Well, good news to you. Neither do I so why don't you just kiss me, hm?"

The older handed over a quick peck and a hug to his enthusiast, making them both giggle and glad.

"Let's try again. I will try and endure it this time. I want you to make me yours."

"Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself. Even if we don't do it, I know you're mine, it's like you always have been. I don't know why, but, that's how I feel."

"But I want to. I want you, please?"

"Okay. but, tell me if you can't handle the pain and I will stop, okay?"

"I will."

And with that, their make-out session resumes. Exchanging kisses and speaking in whispers with passionate words made their arousal to re-appear faster. Lei then puts a lube again at Kalen's and on his manhood to make it easier to permeate. His fingers try to build up Kalen's crater again and once ready, he gently ventured into the man's tight and deep chasm, going in and out of the man's slippery slot and making him moan Leo's name repeatedly. The other, while bravely withstanding the discomfort he is feeling, also enjoyed the addictive satisfaction every thrust the man fulfills, pushing and pulling together with him and calling out his name in a soft whimper.

Leo twists Kalen's powerless body to face the headboard lat and him confronts the man's porcelain back. He holds on to it while he moves, grinding and shaking his buttocks fast while he plays with Kalen's erection. Both heads roll back, biting his lips and shutting their eyes as they continue. Kalen's cry for him made him even more greedy as he pushes down the older's lower back slightly, caressing his soft skin and then, shoving down his manhood to the deepest making Kalen scream in pain, and pleasure at the same time. Kalen holds on tight to the top rail as the man tweaks his messy hair, pulling him back a bit, and smooches his sweaty neck. Kalen felt like he is going to pass out every time Leo would move into his man passage. His breath becomes labored while clutching to everything his hand touches and could tell that Leo hasn't had intercourse for a long time as he becomes further aggressive by the minute, exposing him to more salacious positions.

The older cries for Leo because he couldn't explain any more what he is feeling but the man falls on deaf ears and remain to plunge on him.

Kalen's sweat runs down his face and gasps hard for air, slowly withering with the enjoyment that comes with his agony. Leo's thrust becomes rapid as both let out a smug howl as he released inside Kalen, filling the man with his seeds and the other, spilling his on the blanket.

The two immediately lie down, both gasping for oxygen. Then Leo got up to check on Kalen's situation but saw that the older had already fallen asleep, clearly from too much exhaustion.

Leo tried to wake Kalen up but to no avail, only a soft hum came out of the depleted man. He got up and pull out the dirty blanket carefully and changed it with a neat one then covered the tired man with it, then gave him a sweet peck on the forehead before going to the bathroom to shower.

Moments later, he came out in a robe while rubbing his wet hair with a towel and was stunned to see Kalen's face which is evident with pain, tossing and turning around in discomfort. He sat beside the man with an uneasy expression, worried about him. Then, he gently stroked Kalen's hair, making the weak man open his eyes.

"Kalen? Are you okay?"

A dazed man looked at him and complained but he can only sigh as a response to the other's grievance;

"My body hurts.

"I know, baby. I'm sorry."

He kissed Kalen on both cheeks and uttered in his ear;

"Get up. I'll accompany you to the bathroom, okay? You need to clean up."

But, the other was irritable and didn't want to go but Leo convinced him with kisses.

"Okay enough. Just help me get up."

Leo slowly pulled up the throbbing man and walked him to the bathroom, helped him settle, and showered him like a child. Kalen's trembling surface made Leo feel guilty but can't do much about it but soothe him for they had already done it and consummated. He lent him a robe and carefully walked him back to the bedroom then sits him down and searches for clothes in his cabinet for Kalen to use. As he was rummaging through the drawer, he halted when he suddenly felt an embrace from behind.

"Thank you, Leo. Happy birthday." Kalen whispered as he nuzzles through Leo's damp neck.

Leo wrapped his arms with the other and smiled a satisfied smile.

"I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for coming here and giving yourself to me. I never thought this would happen and I'm thankful that I met you."

He then faced Kalen and softly gave him a kiss which made the older beamed.

"Me too, but, look where we are now. I'm happy."

"I know. And, I want to apologize for the way I acted before."

"Apology accepted. Forget about it. But, Leo.."


"What are we? I mean, you know who I am. Do you think this is fair to Damon?"

Silence invaded them. The same question came into Leo's mind, even before that happened, but, he felt joyous and eventually forgot it until Kalen brought it up again.

"Are you mine now, Leo? Or.."

"Fully yours."

"I know what Damon means to you, Leo. I just.."

"Stop thinking about it, okay? You're here with me, that's the important thing for me right now."


That was all he could let out.

They clutched their bodies together and didn't let go until Leo uttered the phrases Kalen wasn't expecting to hear and was taken aback a bit.

"Now that we're officially together, I want you to tell me everything about you, including how you and Damon met and everything that had happened in the past that I should know about."

Kalen looked away, terrified. Everything that had happened in the past? He repeated inside his mind. How could he? If Leo finds out his secret now, he might lose him even before they start a life together. And worse, blame him too. Leo noticed the man's face, evident with concern in thought why the man is acting in such a manner.

"Please? I want to know."

He again tried to plead.

Kalen looked back at Leo with a dreadful eye, troubled about all the possibilities, and still didn't respond to it. Seeing Kalen being uncomfortable, Leo sighed in disappointment and figured that he can't force him to tell him anything now so decided to just let it go.

"Whenever you feel like it Kal, but, I want you to tell me okay?"

The nervous one just offered a decoy smile and nodded, cuddling the dominating guy again.

"You have to change now."

"Hm. I'm hungry, Leo. You drained me."

Leo withdrew and chuckles in a teasing manner, but, Kalen knew what was coming, and pouted.


"Stop it, Leo. I'm serious."

"Okay. let's get changed and go downstairs. I'll cook you something."

"No. I'll cook for you. You have a headache, remember?"

Both grinned and proceeded to change but a sudden buzz from the door interrupted them. They gazed at each other as they suddenly remember the clothes they left still scattered on the floor and rashly headed down to clean the mess. Once done, Leo catches his breath and walked to the door with Kalen behind him, also walking at a wondering pace.

Both flinched when he opened the door as familiar faces screamed, singing happy birthday to him which left them astounded. But, the singing abruptly ended, jaws hung widely when they got a glimpse of the man standing behind the birthday boy. They gawked at the pair and looked at each other with an awkward expression and Kalen returned it with a nervous smile, while Leo, who furrowed at the surprise, attacked them with an aloof attitude instead.

Leaving them all in a confused state.