Chapter 1: Eradication

Chapter 1: Eradication

"Mom, the guards are back." My little brother Simon nervously pointed out. Carefully he moved away from the window, running straight towards my mother's arms.

Mom just looked at me with those worried eyes. The revolt started, we have no place in this society. The epidemic breached, killing the most number of innocent people.

And all we can do is stare at the outside view of our lands with grief and mourning.

From afar I can see mom's crystal like tears roll one by one. Despair tore her heart apart, and so was mine.

I was about to stood up when suddenly a man entered and banged the door loudly. He was heavily panting while sweating like bullets. Instantly, everyone's attention was placed on Pier.

"The third most high issued a declaration. All rights and opportunities for Hemians will be terminated. One by one they forced everyone to work. We need to escape!"

Pier continued to walk inside, whilst securely closing the door.

We haven't heard of the declaration but hearing it from Pier makes me feel enough tension to deplore. Mom sobbed loudly, her actions were hysterical.

"There's an emergency exit below by the basement. The narrow path will lead us straight towards the forest." Finally, mom's mind began to function properly.

She stopped herself from crying.

"We need to move quickly as we can, I don't know if the guards have followed me." Pier added.

He has a point, if Hemians are taken for force labor then we must escape! "Let's go! No time must be wasted!" I led the way.

All of us turned our backs, but as we are taking our steps tesla bullets rained. It passed through the windows, broken glass are scattered everywhere. I can see blood flowing, but that wasn't mine.

Filled with fear, we all ducked and took our own covers. From my hiding spot I was my little brother and my mom lying dead across the floor. Both paralyzed and bathing in their own blood.

The firing was seized, yet I remained frozen. The tragedy made my world stop. My mind went black and dark, no thoughts filled my consciousness.

Their dead bodies turned my being into a lifeless crayon, dull and gray.

But as my soul mourns, Pier pulled me back up quickly, dragging me down towards the basement.

His steps were big, while mine were small. The unpredictable incident slowed down my world. My eye sight itself is blurry filled with ravaged memories rushing down like an endless river.

Footsteps of heavy combat boots immediately sounded their distance. They have entered the house. Pier and I continued to run, after we've reached our escape tunnel he pushed me first.

It won't be long before the guard could follow us down here.

The tunnel was dark, not a thing could be seen.

"Move! I'll catch up." Pier commanded.

His order startled me, hurriedly I ran though my feet languished with trepidation.

The footsteps are getting nearer and nearer. But before they could find us, I noticed that Pier blocked the tunnel with a large closet. Hiding our way out.

After he was done, he caught my steps whilst continously dragging me. The woods are not far from here. The tunnel is dark but there is only one way out, like a blind man we tried to navigate our safety.

And successfully, we saw the light at the end of the passage. Our phase maintained its speed. And within a minute of sprinting we've reached the woods.

Tall trees were the only thing seen, no guards or trace of civilization. We could be safe here.

But I was never able to runaway from misery. Slowly my tears fell as I stare at those trees. Happy are those living things, they don't have emotions.

"Mom... Simon..." Weakly I uttered.

Their death is painful, but what kind of son and brother am I?! I can't even bury them formally!

My sobs were heard all throughout the forest. This heavy feeling is something I have never felt for ages.

The quietness of the woods gave us a serene surrounding. I was about to shout when Pier placed his hand on my left shoulder.

Behind my back he spoke.

"You're lucky you're still alive."

My heart stopped, my tears froze.

"Lucky? This world has no place for luck." I replied dead as ice.

He continued patting my shoulder.

"We make our own luck Ace." He spoke his contradicted statement.

After that he moved away. I was left alone for the second time. Peace joined me in my darkest hour. No emotion or word can express my agony. There is no reason to live.

Civilization ate mankind, turning humans even worse than cavemen. Power blinded the bright and the poor was ravaged by riches.

The old system was replaced, the genuine governance was overtaken and turned into a reckless remnant of the old days.

There is no doubt that suffering is just around the corner.

As tears continued to flow the rain poured. Why is this system cruel?

I looked up. The dark clouds... they caressed my broken spirit.

I swear to every living thing that I'll make Sydon pay. What he did will surely be done to him. He'll flail like a headless snake and fall like a wingless fire dragon.

My moment of silence was hastily taken when a cry of a baby roamed across the woods. It sounds like it came from near distance.

The baby's cry was not far from my hail. Attentively I listened as I looked around the wide terrain.

The rain stopped and only water left from the trees fell.

"You heard that?" Pier asked.

"Sort of, let's go find the baby." Earnestly I replied.

Pier and I went separate ways, the weeps grew louder and louder. I can hear agony... such pity and shame...

And to my shockness, I saw a baby wrapped in a towel laid by the roots of a giant narra tree. My reflexes led me to carry the infant in my arms. His weeping stopped after I held it.

I can tell that by the color blue that he is wearing he's a boy. A handsome boy...

The infant's eyes were barely open, could be a few months old. What seems to be reason why you are here?

I gawked at the neonate, but something caught my entire attention.

It's a tag, the new alphabet was used.

"Neo Kizer," I read it out loud.