Chapter 3: Captives

Van's P. O. V.

"Van, I'm dying..." Weakly, my wife uttered.

With pain and sadness I held her hands, they're as cold as ice. Her face is pale and her eyes no longer glow in the same way before.

I can no longer hold my tears, they fell one by one.

"You won't die. We'll live and grow old together, we'll be happy."

I tried to lift her spirit up but she just smiled bitterly.

"Sydon's System has no place for happiness Van." She replied.

It's hard to admit but that's the fact. This system is worse than a torture cell. We're Captives turned into slaves.

I leaned forward to her from my seat. She tightened the grip of our clasped hands.

"Promise me that you'll live." Her voice no longer sounded well.

This misery is too hard to face. I continued to blub. I lost my composure.

"I will, but also promise me that you'll stay." My utterance was accompanied by sobs.

Sarah tried to smile for the second time.

"I'll always stay..." Her voice proceeded to lose its volume.

On the contrary, my weeping overpowered her shortened breath.

It's hard to admit but her span is short. With a torn spirit, I kissed her forehead.

During that kiss she left...

My tears ravaged like a storm. Wake me up please if this is just a dream.

My mourning ate me whole but I was purged out when I heard a rush knock from outside.

I stood up and wiped my tears away, life must still go on though time stopped.

After regaining my formal appearance I went to open the door.

Who could this be? I'm not expecting anyone.

My hands were about to turn the knob, I'm still feeling weak but the voice on the other side woke me up.

"Van! It's Pier!"

Without wasting a second I opened the door and Pier popped up into my sight.

He's carrying a baby in his arms. Is he married already?

I looked left and right, this visit is dangerous. The coast is clear, I pulled him inside then I locked the door.

"The guard almost caught us." He said while panting heavily.

Basing on his actions he just finished a run.

We both settled down and sat.

"What happened to you? Anything wrong?" Pier asked.

And there it was, he noticed my swollen red eyes and runny nose.

"Sarah died."

I heard him sigh.

"Simon and Lea died yesterday. Ace and I are on our own." He added.

This life is worse than a nightmare, I'm awake but how I wish that I'm just asleep. This foolish system and ruler is to be blamed.

"Where is Ace?" I asked.

The baby on his arm wept loudly, his voice seems desperate.

Pier rocked him gently and it went silent.

"He went to the central desmene for the baby's provision."

I noticed that Pier is not wearing any collar. Is he still a free man?

"Your collar?"

"Ace and I managed to escape during the encounter. We fled to the woods. Then we found this baby." He replied.

So that's not his bearing at all.

Pier's actions were agitated and it conveyed worrisome thoughts.

"Ace is still out there. He ordered me to stay put but a guard doing his rounds almost caught us, I ran and I was dragged here." He resumed talking.

I can tell that he's still uncomfortable and frantic.

What can I say, fleeing is indeed distressful, but fate brought good things for them. They're still free, unlike me, I have still collar attached to me neck. We're treated like dogs.

I was about to speak when my collar beeped and a red light blinked from it.

"It's time to work. Pier I can't entertain you, to stay here means death for us." I said.

He just nodded.

I wanted to talk to him but I need to go. The beeping grew louder, they're calling us.

I turned away from him and headed out. If I won't go a lethal toxin will be injected to mt body which can kill me in just a matter of seconds. Many died, and there are only a few of us left.

I'm working at night shift, and yes, they have no mercy. They forced us to labor without paying a dim for it. Sydon's just feeding his disgusting appetite with power and service.

He's not worthy for it, my loyalty is sworn unto the prime leader, him and only him. I'll work for him but I won't bow down and worship him like a mad rascal.

I'm a servant to keep my life until salvation arrives. Sydon just stole power from the prime leader, help will come. Only a few many believe and have faith on him but surely he'll come and send his son.

Power can only be defeated by a stronger force.

I started walking towards the dome of construction. Man labor is needed to finish the structure.

The streets were dark but you can hear the sound of drones around the whole city. I continued to move but suddenly, someone bumped me.

The impact was not that strong but it made the both of us stop.

Wait, that smell is familiar. I accidentally inhaled his scent.

Oh, how small the world is. Before our oaths could depart I spoke.

"Ace I can't stay here for long, Pier is in my house along with the baby. Hurry and leave." I whispered to him.

"Thank you." Ace replied whilst resuming to his sprint.

This is the only way that I can think of to help them. After he traveled far I went back to my phase. I also wanted to stay and talk to him but we need to avoid suspicious activities. I can't risk their freedom. They have a baby on their arms, the neonate's safety depends on them as well.

There is something that I noticed in Ace's neck. He's wearing a collar yet it doesn't glow. How did he deactivated it? I bet it's all for camouflage. Pretty clever of them.

But even the most intellectual citizens died, so for my only wish, live Ace and Pier.

My soul will continue to mourn, but the eclipse will rise.