To The Village Of Malinda

The ministers and top military officials gathered in the royal court and waited for the king tensely, and they were gossiping about last night's assassination attempt on the princess. Everyone is shocked about the situation.

"How can an outsider enter into the fort" the members gossiping.

While the members gossiped, the king entered the court with the queen and king's hand. Everyone stood up and bowed to the king. The king is looked mad, walking fastly gripping his sword with his right hand; the king sat on the throne, the queen sat right to the king, and the king's hand to the left. The meeting started.

"commander describes the situation to the court", the king's hand said.

"I have spoken to the royal guard who protected the princess, the guard saw the princess walking in the garden, while the princess is leaving from the garden the royal guard escorted her. While they are passing the bushes the royal guard listened to a branch sound and watched a person firing an arrow he pushed the princess so that the arrow hit him. Even he is wounded he covered the princess and escorted her to the fort, he warned the other guards, they have searched and

found the dead body of the person who poisoned himself. the person looked like a hunter. We authenticated it by looking at the arrow they were used to hunt animals. Hence it is hunting arrow the arrow slightly penetrated the armor hence there is no peril to the royal guard", the commander replied.

"How can a hunter intrude into the fort at night time" one of the ministers asked.

"I think the person entered in the daytime when the people are allowed to visit the Athena temple, he hidden until the night time and tried to assassinate the princess," the commander replied.

"Gather the people who visited the temple yesterday hang the murdered head to the passage gate and ask everyone about him", the king's hand shouted.

"As you commanded sir", the commander replied.

"in my belief, someone allowed him inside, until and unless someone assigned him no one has dared to enter into the fort and that to he has hidden in a place where no one can watch", the prime minister said.

The entire court started to whisper, and the king's hand thought about what the prime minister said.

"Everyone including ministers and commanders must attend the inquiry; the king's hand will conduct the inquiry", the king said.

The members of the court remained silent.

"Today I talked to the priest in the south they have seen a white crow, which is a sign of bad luck it is good to do rituals to the god Agnus", the priest said.

"Do it I and my family will attend to the rituals", the king said.

"I am thinking? why its princess? what is the motive to assassinate the princess," the prime minister said.

"I think something is beyond our imagination as the princess is getting into nubile age and many princes are interested to marry her if she married to any neighbor kingdom we will become supreme power so our rivals are trying to kill her", one of the ministers said.

"Well said minister let us investigate in this point of view also", the king said.

"Provide two fine guards to the princess", the king's hand commanded.

"As you say sir", the commander replied.

"ok the meeting is over, within a week I need all details", the king said.

The king left the throne along with the queen. Everyone bowed.

King went to the princess room along with the queen.

"How are you sweetheart," the king asked.

"spectacular", Clara replied.

"Where is the nurse," the queen asked.

"I told her to go and take a rest", Clara replied.

"ok sweetheart take rest, nothing to panic but don't go anywhere for some time, you will be escorted by two guards", the king said.

"But father I don't need any guards, I love to ride to the mountains alone", Clara replied.

"No sweetheart for some time listen to my words, it's my order don't leave the fort and every time the guards will watch you", the king said.

"You are a princess, my love, you need to follow some rules", the queen said.

"May the gods be with you", the king said.

The king and queen left Clara's room; two guards bowed to the king. Clara sat upset and started to think about who tried to kill her. While thinking, Clara gets doubts about the girl which she saw on the tower. Clara opened the door and came out. Guards followed her. She went to the stable went on her horse. The guards also started to ride the horse and followed the princess. Princess went through the gate and rode for a village that is 11 miles away. Princess entered a village called Malinda. The people in the village looked at Clara weirdly as they guessed that is a royal family member who saw royal guards. Then someone shouted "hail princess, long live your highness", the people got to know that she was princess Clara and started to cheer "hail princess, long live your highness". The kids started to run beside horses and cheer. The entire village gathered quickly and welcomed the princess with cheers. The princess stopped at a house outside a woman with two children watching Clara with anxiety. Clara walked towards the woman.

"are you miss Nicholas" Clara asked.

"yes your highness", the woman replied.

"Is this your home?" Clara asked.

"yes your highness", women replied in confusion.

"will going to invite me for a tea" Clara asked.

"yes your highness it's our honor to serve you", the woman replied.

Clara followed the women and went into the house. The guards stayed at the door entire village, gathered at the house, and waited for the princess. Clara looked around the house.

"Your highness, please take a seat", the woman said.

Clara sat on the wooden chair.

"just a minute your highness I will bring tea for you", the woman said.

Clara smiled, then Clara watched two children starring at her in anxiety.

"come here guys", Clara called.

Both children came to Clara. They were so nervous to watch the princess.

"what's your name," Clara asked.

"helios and Selene", the kids replied.

"hey helios come here, took this", Clara said. Clara gave a sword to the boy.

"This is for you Selene", Clara said. Clara gave a chain with mother Athena locket from her neck.

"did you like it guys," Clara asked.

"of course your highness thank you", helios said.

"your highness hmm, so you guys know that I am a princess", Clara asked.

"yes princess my father used to tell that our princess looks like an angel", Selene replied.

"you are also looking like an angel my love" Clara kissed Selene.

The women came from the kitchen and gave tea to the princess in a cup. Princess took the cup "come sit", Clara said. The women sat before the princess.

"your highness what made you visit our house," the women asked.

"yhea I will tell you but before you need to remember one thing", Clara said.

"what's that your highness," the women asked.

"tell the children to wait outside", Clara said.

"sweethearts plz wait outside", the woman said to the children.

When the children left away, "this is a royal secret keep it with you do not share it with anyone, or else you will be punished for disrespecting king words', Clara said.

"What happened your highness, your words will die with me", the woman said.

"your husband Nicholas is hurt badly by an arrow while saving my life," Clara said.

The women started to cry in tears.

"he is fine, he is in infantry our nuse are looking at him", Clara said.

"your highness can I see him," the woman asked.

"no, not now", the king ordered to keep this as a secret because it spoils our kingdom's reputation", Clara replied.

The woman crying . "don't cry everything is fine now he will come home in a week", Clara said.

"your highness plz give this blanket to my husband I stitched it for him", the woman said.

"sure, your husband saved my life I am always thankful to your family, just keep this with you", Clara said. Clara gave gold coins to the women.

"no your highness we don't need this, you came this long to console us that our gift", the women replied.

"no just think it's my gift as gratitude", Clara said.

"thank you your highness", the women bowed.

"ok then I need to leave thanks for tea", Clara said.

"it's our honor your highness", the women replied.

Clara came outside the people started cheering, 'hail princess, long live your highness". Clara kissed the children "bye sweethearts", Clara said. "will you come again, your majesty", helios asked. "yea, I will come with more gifts soon", Clara replied with a smile. Clara jumped into the horse and waved a hand to the people, and started to ride along with the fields the guards escorted her.