The next day Clara came to the temple, assembled all the girls.

"Hera, brisilla and iries do you chose your members," Clara asked.

"Yes, your highness we had chosen our members," the girls replied.

"Good, let me allot some works to the unit's," Clara said.

"Hera your unit task is to give appraisals of decorative and garments required," Clara said.

"Ok your highness," Hera replied.

"brisilla your task is to decorate the temple as per our practices," Clara said.

"Ok your highness," brisilla replied.

"iries your unit task is to cleanse every container which were used for the rituals and make sure to position them properly at the prayer hall," Clara said.

"Ok your highness," iris replied.

"All the units must meet their task within two days, on the day and day before the festival I will allocate you the new task," Clara said.

"Ok your highness, we will work devoted for mother Athena," the girls replied.

"Iris why you are looking uneasy, is there any problem?" Clara asked.

"Nothing your highness, Iam alright," iris replied.

"You are servant of Athena don't speak untruths," Clara said.

"My mother is ill suffering from heavy fever, now I can't visit her until the festival that is what iam worried about your highness," iris replied.

"Ho that the thing you are worried about, ok I will send a maid and nurse to look after your mother, they will take care of her," Clara said.

"Thank you, your highness you are so kind," iris said with pleasure.

"Everyone hear carefully, if any one has any problem you can share with me, your king is always there to look after the children of Athena," Clara said.

Hera and brisilla are stunned by witnessing the princess's kindness and affection; they have felt emotional after listening to the princess's kind words.

Clara smiled at Hera and brisilla and moved away to the higher priest chamber.

"Sir, I have made units and allocated them with different works," Clara said.

"Ok that's good, Clara you have to do numerous works on the day of festival you need to greet and attend to the royal welcome to the drudora king and you must serve mother Athena in the ritual as a preacher, so make sure to stay away from unnecessary commitments," the high priest said.

"Ok sir, now I will take a leave," Clara said.

"Ok let the gods be with you," the high priest replied.

Clara came out of the temple and moved to her chamber; the guards escorted her. A royal guard went to the princess.

"Your highness, king wants to see you he was in the lawn," the guard said.

"Ok I will go," Clara replied.

Clara moved to the fort, walked to the entrance and hall, and reached the lawn.

The King's hand, King and queen, are waiting for the princess's arrival. The guards remained at the gate. Clara went to her.

"Father you wished to see me," Clara asked.

"Yes, sweet heart," King replied and kissed her on the forehead.

"what's the importance father," Clara asked.

"Me and your mother are so proud of you, the high priest said that you alone co ordinating the festival works," the King said.

"it's my honor to serve mother Athena and it is my duty to carry my father's name," Clara said with a smile.

The King smiled and hugged the princess "see my little princess is getting big and having responsibilities," the King said with proudness.

The King's hand and queen are laughing at the princess.

"Sweet heart me and mom are going to the drudora kingdom for a royal visit, we will stay couple of days there take care," King said to Clara.

"Ok father take care, I will look after your kingdom," Clara said by winking her eyes.

"Wow is it, now Iam a free man my child is taking my responsibilities. ok take care of my kingdom and in return I will bring you a beautiful surprise," the King said.

The King's hand and queen started to walk; the King held the princess's hand, moved to the great hall, and entered the door. The King and queen sat in the royal chariot. The King and queen waved at Clara the convey started. The King's hand followed the King's chariot.

Clara went to her room and napped for a while; after some time, she had woken up and changed her garments. Clara visited the temple; the supreme royal personal guards escorted her as now she is the InCharge of entire operations in the absence of the King.

Everyone is busy with their works. Clara observed for a while and when she was about to leave.

"Your highness, I need to talk to you privately," Hera asked.

Clara signaled the guards to move away; they had moved away.

"Speak Hera," Clara said.

"Your highness sorry for everything and I confess. Although I aware of your kindness I did not trust you. But you awaring of my sins trusted me and given me a big responsibility, thank you your highness," Hera said in tears.

"Mother signified to love everyone; I trust you because you are the bravest girl I have ever seen. Mother is with you she will look after you," Clara said.

Clara smiled at her and started to move; the supreme royal personal guards escorted the princess to the royal court.

Clara attended the royal court as a leading leader for the first time. Clara sat beside the throne.

Some court ministers and commanders who were present at the fort arrived.

"Hail princess Clara," the minister said. everyone cheered, "hail princess Clara."

"Do you have any conclusions to take your highness," the minister asked.

"Yes, ministers I have some annocements and conclusion to make," Clara replied.

"Firstly, welcome every priest and visitor to attend to the festival feast. Make water and food arrangements for the people who will come to the capital to see the festival by walk, make food stalls beside the route. Send the supplies to the temples throughout the kingdom ask them if they need anything else," Clara said.

"As you wish your majesty," the minister replied.

"Lastly Iam appointing Nicholas the guard who rescued my life as my personal royal guard," Clara said.

"As you wish your majesty, after the court I will issue the orders," said the commander.

"One more think seize the chamber in the eastern tower it will be used as a library to promote our religious conventions," Clara said.

"As you wish your majesty," the minister replied.

"Is there anything else your majesty," the minister asked?

"that's it for today," Clara replied.

The minister announced that the court was over, everyone stood up, Clara left the royal court with her guards, and then everyone left.

Clara went to her room, changed the garments, and prayed to Athena for an hour, and then she went to sleep.

Early In the morning, when Clara awoke, she came near the window, opened it, and enjoyed the fresh air, and then she prayed to Athena for an hour. She changed her garments and came out; she noticed Nicholas's order in his hands. He is now a personal royal guard to the princess; he wore a blue color Armour with a royal symbol on his chest.

"How are you Nicholas," Clara asked.

'I am good, your majesty," Nicholas replied.

"Thank you for trusting me and making me as your personal royal guard, your majesty," Nicholas said.

"Prove your loyalty warrior," Clara replied.

"Until my death my life is yours," Nicholas replied.

Clara took out the sword; Nicholas bent in front; Clara positioned the blade on his shoulders and instructed that she appoint him as a personal royal guard with the top grade.

Clara started to move to the great hall; then, she went into the King's chamber.

"Nicholas come inside," Clara said.

Nicholas followed the princess and closed the door. The other royal personal guards waited outside.

"Nicholas until the festival I will be engaged in festival works, I need you to observe Hera and brisila. Also bring a flower which give a deep sleep and then I will ask them question about the man who harassing the girls," Clara said.

"As you wish your majesty, but its take time to bring the truth flowers," Nicholas replied.

"How many days, I need them on the day of festival," Clara said.

"Two days your majesty, because it was only discovered in the mountains of north," Nicholas replied.

"Ok make it possible before," Clara said.

"The man Iam looking for has a scar on his chest, tell your guards to identify the person, if possible," Clara said.

"As you said your majesty," Nicholas replied.

"Is there anything to speak," Clara asked?

"Someone is watching your activities your majesty please avoid to utter to the girls in general places, as they have considerable risk to face," Nicholas said.

"don't worry about them I will take care," Clara replied.

"Ok your majesty, I will start my assignments," Nicholas said and left the room.

Clara sat on the chair and started to think about the events.