As the king declared war on the territories of the northern frontier, the garrisons in the north boundary sent the owl detailing what supplies they had and what more they required; they also requested nearly 10.000 gorilla fighters and 5,000 cold wheatear ware fare specialist squad as they were specialist cold weather combats as livant northern frontiers were covered with heavy snow. The king's hand, prime minister, and all three frontier commanders formed a small council to take battleground arrangements; the small council accepted the recommendation of the northern command and passed the order in the king's name. While the small council meeting went on, the king's guard arrived and informed us that the king was attending the meeting in a while, the members of the council members waited for a time, and the king arrived. Everyone stood up.

"Fuck the courtesies. I need the heads of livanits to sit down," the king shouted in rage.

'What made you be here, my king" the king's hand asked.

"Castor, I will lead the forces on my own against the levitant's," the king replied.

"But it is unsafe, my king; we have scout's that the gorilla forces and the rebellions of livanait rose rapidly in a short time," the king's hand replied.

"I am king, not a farmer, I will hunt them like a wolf, and I will drink their blood," the king shouted.

"But the king," the king's hand tied to speak, but the king interrupted.

"You are my hand, my advisor, not my master does what I say," the king replied in anger.

And the king left the chamber.

"Master eros, I think you should speak with our king," the king's hand said.

"Castor our king good at temper also when is in rage he never listens to a word against his will," the prime minister replied.

"don't worry, my lord castor, I will guard him, let his taste the blood of livanint's," the northern commander said.

"Commander Jonas, can you explain why the rebellions increased in immense number in a short span" king's hand questioned.

"I don't know, but in my guess, they are mobilized by the capital of livaint itself. They are waging a proxy war," the northern commander replied.

"Proxy war, but why for this many years do they have the courage to make wars but know what made them change their plans," the eastern commander Evander replied.

"I think it is the signal for the great war to come, THE GOD'S WAR, "the western commander replied.

"The god's war, what is that," the king's hand asked.

"86 years ago, when citro apian was the king, the first god's war happened, in that great war nearly millions of people died fight in the names of the new gods and the old god's", the prime minister said.

"Millions? How "the king's hand asked.

"It is the war not fought between the nations but between the devotees of old gods and the new ones. the opponents burn the temple and villages of each other, and this war can also have the intensity to swipe a dynasty." The prime minister replied.

Princess Clara continued to read the book "The old gods and the king's" after a few chapters, the book ending with the chapter "The prince who defeated the dead," and from then every chapter is written in the unknown syllabary language, Clara got confused and puzzled how to read the reaming chapters. Then after a while, Clara thought about the archivist master Hermes but realized that he would talk about the books to the king. Then slowly, Clara himself planned to move to the Atheneum to find the book to translate. Clara planned to move to the Atheneum in the evening and waited till the evening; that day ended early at dawn. Clara wore the dress of Athena's servants and went to the Atheneum, and the door was opened. Clara stood at the door and observed whether anyone Was there, the hall was empty Clara slowly moved in and started to search for the book she wanted hours passed, but she couldn't find the book she liked it was a big hall with early 5000 books. While Clara was searching, we noticed some footsteps and hid in the corner; then she observed a boy slowly come into the hall with a candle and searching for the book, and slowly Clara moved towards him and spoke.

"Stops are you a thief" Clara shouted.

"No, I am not a thief," the boy replied.

The boy started to turn around.

"Stop, don't turn around; I will kill you," Clara shouted.

"don't kill me," the boy replied in terror.

"Who are you? Tell me your identity," Clara shouted.

"I am Orion, son of turion, and I am assistant to the archivist master Hermes," the boy replied.

Clara thought that the boy would be helpful.

"Why are you here in the dark" Clara asked.

"I am here to take a book to read," the boy replied.

"To take a book. I am I looking dum you came here to took book as a thief", Clara asked.

"My master was not allowed me to read ancient books and stories about the dark powers," the boy replied.

Clara felt very happy and thought Mother Athena had sent the boy to help her.

"Anything I need to report about you to the master Hermes," Clara said.

"don't do that; he will send me the home; I will do whatever you say, please, I beg you," the boy replied.

"Ok, turn around; promise me you must keep your words and serve me whenever I need," Clara said.

"I promise," the boy said and turned around.

"princess Clara," the boy shouted.

"Ushh, stay calm," Clara whispered.

"Princess, what made you come here," the boy asked.

"that's none of your business," Clara replied.

"Sorry, your highness," the boy said.

"You have promised me to help," Clara said.

"Yes, your highness, how can I help you" the boy replied.

"Come and meet me at the garden tomorrow morning," Clara said.

"Ok, your highness," the boy replied.

"Ok, collect your book and leave," Clara said, leaving the hall.

In the morning, Clara waited in the garden for the boy with the Archivist dress.

"Your highness," the boy called.

"Orion, sit here," Clara said.

The boy sat with the princess at the table.

"How can I help you, your highness," the boy asked.

"Before that, swore me that, at any cost, you won't reveal anything to anybody," Clara asked.

"I sore to my life, your highness," the boy replied.

"Help me read a book which is in syllabary language," Clara said.

"Ok, your highness, what is it?" he replied,

"It is the book called THE OLD GOD'S AND THE KING'S," Clara said.

"THE OLD GOD'S," the boy replied with a smile.

"Why are you laughing," Clara asked.

"Pardon your highness, but the books about old gods were banned in our kingdom, you can only find them in the old library of ACUROZEAN," the boy replied.

"I know that, and I have it," Clara replied.

"o my god, how did you find that, your highness" the boy replied.

"It is a long story," Clara said.

"Can I see it, your highness?" the boy asked.

"Yes, come to my camber in the dawn," Clara replied.

"Ok, highness, I will come in the evening," the boy said and left the garden.

A girl comes to the princess.

"Your highness, the high priest wants to see you," the girl said.

"Ok, I am coming," Clara replied.

Clara went into the temple and visited the high priest in his chamber.

"Sir, you wanted to see me," Clara asked.

"Clara, the king, is about to leave for the war in the evening; before he leaves, we need to offer prayers to the goddess Athena and god Cyrus to bless us with victory and arrange everything for the offering," the high priest said.

Clara, along with other servants, started to decorate the temple for prayers.

The ten thousand gorilla forces commanded by agon the great arrived at the fort along with five thousand specialist ware fare squad's commanded by lord Aries of Zeon. They joined a special king's guard commanded by the king's hand castor, the calvary of the 7th squad controlled by lord iris of Malinda, the excellent infantry of drainage commanded by the king's guard hector, and the blue cloth archers of Masinde commanded by the lord of drimos calyx. The soldiers and commanders were waiting for the king's arrival. After a few minutes, the king arrived in red armor with a cloak printed with the royal emblem of druinate the king, alongside the commanders and lords, attended to the high prayer priest and started rituals. After a few minutes, the prayer ended high priest touched the sword of king luiwen and prayed for victory. Then Clara sprinkled the holy water on the commanders and lords, then the high priest guided the king to the idol of god Cyrus, the war god, and at the offering table, king luiwen cut the sheep head as the offering and then poured the blood on the idol of Cyrus, then he raised the sword and signal war, the soldiers chanted "hail king luiwen." The king and the army left the fort; the marching sound of thousands of soldiers shakes the ground fierce. Clara went to his chamber to meet Orion. As soon as Clara reached Orion, Clara invited him to his chamber and locked the door.