The war day arrived early in the morning in the mist; all the bannermen, stewards, and soldiers were preparing for the attack in the armory. The lords and commander's assembled in the war room king arrived.

"My dear lords and commanders, thank you for coming upon my call; your serving will be rewarded; let's kill the rat, let's taste the victory," the king shouted with rage.

The king, lord, and commanders were positioned, and soldiers assembled in rows as per plan; the king's hand castor called the king's guard hector and talked for a while. The king raised his sword.

"Rise, soldiers, let's hunt them no prisoner's kill them all," the king shouted.

"Victory, victory, victory," soldiers chanted.

The army moved in divisions after crossing the shallow river point of yang; the army dived and moved towards their target's the right-wing separated and moved towards finger five, commanded by the northern commander Jonas, left-wing separated and moved towards the finger one, controlled by agon the great, the central forces increased their speed tremendously. They rushed towards the figure three, commanded by the king himself. The king's hand castor rode beside the king.

The king's forces tricked the rebellion's group by lightning fast hidden in alpine forests, ripping them apart; some rebellion groups fought with the infantry of the king's command, but they couldn't match their force because of the sudden attack the king's command ripped the rebellion group with aggressive strike's another member of rebellion groups started to run towards figure two. In contrast, the king, his lord, and king's command soldiers fighting fiercely like an angry lion and ripping everyone apart, reaming rebellion group started to ride away with their horses into figure two; the Calvary group, led by lord iris, followed them with cavalry and some infantry forces, shortly thousands of rebellion group felled just hundred in number's the king's command rounded the hundreds of rebellion group and strikes them fiercely leaving every one dead without a single prisoner. The left forces reached the figure one the gorilla forces climbed the steep slopes howling like a wolf's along with the agon the great and stricken the rebellion group's in tents with immense power they hunted them like a pack of wolf's killing them brutally agon the great who is a massive man-killing rebellion's with two hands splitting the body into the half with this heavy sword's revolution's feared of agon the great and the gorilla forces left the battleground and rushed towards the finger two, the left-wing forces cleared the finger one killing everyone. They moved towards the finger two chasing the abounded rebellions. The right-wing forces climb the high hills slowly and caution, leaving no traces; the rebellions who abandoned the battlefield from figures one and three meet each other at figure two meet each other at finger two; they look at each other in terror then have got an idea that they trapped in the middle they fierce the Calvary group and king's infantry rushed from the finger three. The gorilla group led by the great agon swelled from finger one the rebellion group was surrounded quickly the rebel groups who have been covered fought the soldiers of drainage without any hope. Within minutes great blood bath happened, ripping hundreds of rebels into pieces.

The right-wing forces climbed and reached the hilltop; blue cloth archers started to eliminate guards on the watch towers as there was snow cover and mist; their shot was accurate and took down all guards in the watch towers, then the commander's army launched a fierce attack on rebel's hidden in the caves slowly eliminated them and sieges the caves one by one. After stopping everyone the left forces, the Calvary and king's command infantry moved towards finger three in a while; they have reached the finger three and joined the king's troops from there, the massive army of fifteen thousand moved towards the plans of finger four, the soldiers of druinate only had causalities in hundred. Still, the causalities of rebellions were in thousands because of the sudden and fierce attack. After an hour, the army of drainage reached the finger four halted after watching the hundreds of tents of rebellions and bannermen of livanait.

"Here they are, rats hidden in holes. I can see the banners and soldiers of livanait, kill them all, including the livanait soldiers' and hang them to spikes", the king shouted in rage.

As soon as the king signaled, the forces of druinate marched towards the champ of rebels, but in shock, the rebellions and soldier's where hidden in formation beyond the tent. As soon as the horn bowls, they have formed in phalanx within minutes. The king, lords, and commanders slowed, seeing rebellions starting a phalanx formation, a military formation of high technic. Then the king, lord, and commanders believe they were not rebellion. They were proxy soldiers of livanait; the soldiers of livanait stood in phalanx formation in many blocks, nearly two hundred phalanx blocks with about then thousand soldiers. The army rushed into the formation. The infantry of druinate could not break the phalanx formation and lost in huge numbers, the archer fired arrows, but they couldn't penetrate the long rectangular phalanx cubes. The gorilla forces and the Calvary rushed into the formation of livanait break some phalanx formations, but still, ten of phalanx formation moved to the ward's the king's command, the broken-down phalanx formation soldiers fighting on open land one to one to druniate soldier's the fight was fierce on both sides. Still, tens of phalanx blocks moved towards the king. The king's command infantry and some Calvary waiting for penetration by using archers, but nothing penetrated the phalanx blocks; In contrast, the king decided to attack the blocks. Suddenly, the phalanx opened and formed a box full of archers and fired them toward the king, everyone was shocked by the move, and then again, they created the phalanx block's the arrow rained, hitting many Calvary and infantry soldiers' including the king. The king has been wounded. The arrow penetrated through his chest. The king's guard grabbed the king from the horse, covered him with the shield of the royal guard and moved quickly for a few meters, and then called some Calvary. The king's hand took the horse and tied the king to the horse and started to ride away; suddenly, the Calvary of livanait appeared, chasing the king. The king's royal guard's increased speed, but the Calvary of livaint launching arrows while riding the horses have never seen a technic like that. As the king was wounded, the morale was decreased. Agon the great observed the loss of morale in soldiers and shouted for drainage, and started killing fiercely with both their hand gorilla member's started howling, and all the drainage soldier's

started fighting fiercely; all the phalanx blocks were penetrated, and the one-to-one battle was happing

everywhere, the Calvary has taken down the archer's of livanait and the soldiers of drainage were losing in enormous numbers because of the formations of livanait only the Calvary and gorilla forces are in advantage, agon the great forcing through the blocks of livanait soldier's wounded by the spear which penetrated through his check and then the second one after that few soldier's separated his head from the body, the gorilla forces started howling more by seeing their lord dead, and the spear of livanit more solid penetrated into the stomach of the king's hand castor all of the sudden the soldiers of drainage felt that they were losing their morale had become weak they were exhausted by seeing their fellow soldier's and lord's death. While the advantage of drainage losing minute by minute, all of a sudden, the forces of the right-wing appeared on the steps of high hills and honked their horn; the soldiers of northern command rushed through the steps of the mountain to the livanait soldier's the blue cloth archer's who are on steps of the high hill took advantage of height and racing arrows accurately penetrating the skulls of livanait soldiers' as soon as the right-wing joined the battle they have outnumbered and surrounded the livanait soldiers' and stated ton wipe them all. On the other side, the Calvary of livanait chased the king's royal guards by launching arrows one by one, taking down the royal guards who covered the king and the king's guard. After a few minutes, the outnumbered livqanit solder's felled down in mass number's and the drainage soldiers hunted them with rage and boosted morale; in a short time, the last solider of livanit hunted, and the war ended, resulting in the victory to the drainage soldiers' the soldiers' chanted slogans "victory, victory, victory," the lord Calix and northern commander rushed to search for agon and the king's hand castor, after searching for a while they the northern commander and gorilla force had found the head of the agon the great smiling and then they have found the dead body of the king's hand castor lord Calix cried by seeing the horse of castor and his dead body, the northern commander Jonas came to the body of castor with tears and removed the helmet, Jonas shocked.

"He is not castor; he is his cousin Adonis," commander Jonas shouted.

"Then were is castor, why Adonis dressed like him," lord Calix asked.