A brief and probably incomplete character summary for your convenience


Cassandra - Lucifer: MC -read the book :)-

Ahri - Aurora: Cassandra's fiancée. She betrayed Lucifer in their previous life and is sworn to protecting him in this one 

Amazeroth: the lord of mirrors, ruler of fate. One of the strongest immortals who has taken an interest in Lucifer's life, even though his goals aren't yet clear

Michael: self proclaimed leader of the immortals and the one who tried to kill Lucifer

Mephisto: the youngest demon who followed Lucifer through his reincarnation and tries to mentor him

Lilith: a demoness who has lost faith in their race and is willing to support Lucifer, this time around

Sarai: an angel and old friend of Aurora's 

Delilah: a corrupted demoness. Cleansed by Cassandra and reduced to her core

Hora: the angel of time, a staunch supporter of Michael

Ezekiel: an angel and supporter of Michael, the lord of winter

Ma'kal: the angel of strength and a supporter of Michael

Thanatos: the angel of death and a supporter of Michael

Gabriel: not yet properly introduce, coming soon, though… somewhat soon :)

Metathron: deceased, killed by Lucifer

Odin: the angel of forbidden arts, a loner who's struggling with the new order 

Aphrodite: the angel of love and a friend of Odin's

Chaleb: a demonic knight and ally of Lucifer, even though he was killed by him 


Mordred: Cassandra's younger brother, manipulated by Amon to facilitate his attack on Boseiju

Arthur: Cassandra's older brother, the rightful king of the Moon

Albert: deceased, Cassandra's father

Helena: Cassandra's mother, turned into a nigh transcendent, nine tailed fox

Reia: Cassandra's illegitimate sister, sired by her father

Greta: Cassandra'a first mentor, raised by Lucifer and Aurora. Deceased.

Archibald: a young survivor of the fall of Boseiju. One of Reia's closest friends

Estrella: Archy's younger sister with an uncanny knack for scrying magic

Sylvia: Arthur's wife. A calloused woman who prioritises her responsibilities above everything else.

Emilia: Ahri's younger sister. Not properly introduce, just yet.

The Mask: an exiled kitsune who swore revenge against his people. Killed by Cassandra when he took her family hostage

Aaron, Balthasar, Corvin, Diane, Evelyn: Cassandra's knights, forced into her service by Arthur


Xorlosh: Exiled nobleman and known for his regicide. The axe of Angram

Etosh: Xorlosh's kin; warrior

Atosh: Xorlosh's kin; warrior

Brombolosh: Xorlosh's kin, exquisite blacksmith

Krak: quartermaster

Golamosh: old master of runes

Dorotea: kidnapped, probably deceased, Etosh's fiancée


Erya: an ancient fey, freed from Shafeer's horde. One of Cassandra's closest friends

Morgan: Erya's granddaughter. Exiled from the Silent Glade for conversing with an elf and turned into a human

Auguros: an ancient spirit, sworn to protect Gaya herself, followed Morgan into exile

Lancelot: Erya's eldest son and one of the three rulers of her former home

Gawain: Erya's second eldest son and the second ruler of the Silent Glade

Guinevere: Erya's youngest daughter and the last ruler of the Silent Glade 


Viyara: a Hybrid dragoness with a draconic and elven body and soul. One of Cassandra's closest friends, she even carries a spark of her power

Ignus: Ancient golden dragon, Viyara's grandfather

Shafeer: Viyara's father. Deceased

Galathon: Shafeer's nemesis. Deceased


Lyra: an ancient princess, sealed and forgotten ages ago until Cassandra freed her

Aspera: Astra's sister. The both of them left their home to flee from their father, who had shackled their souls together to forge a more powerful warrior. A survivor of Boseiju's fall

Astra: Aspera's sister

Zara Dawnheart: the last survivor of a powerful, ancient family. Supposed to marry the prince, she stumble over an ancient tome and summoned Cassandra, pleading for help.


Layla: Alassara's daughter and the reason why Cassandra stands with the vampires

Aurelia: a former servant of Sarai, a powerful vampire, close to true immortality

Alassara: the leader of Free Land's vampires

Tharos: deceased, one of Alassara's lieutenants

Silas: deceased, one of Alassara's lieutenants

Captain Dawn: Alassara's brother. The two of them were at war until Cassandra killed him


Amon: the emperor. A menacing, ancient sorcerer, who holds Amazeroth's contract

Serena Emilia Brightblaze: two sisters who represent a faction of Free Land. Associated with the Immortal Sun

Captain Nightshade: a Captain of Free Land. Associated with the Broken Wheel

Liz: a former whore, who worked for Madame Sinis and was gifted to Cassandra as a present

Will: a former mercenary of Free Land

Vanya: a former mercenary of Free Land

Pete: a former human pirate, saved by Cassandra

Madame Sinis: owner of the "Gilded Dream", an old woman, close to death

Zuma: a zoologist who tinkers with power and gene transfers between species 

Clovis: the leader of the pirates who surrendered to Cassandra after the explosion of Shafeer's horde

Captain Asra: a filthy rich merchant and a Captain of Free Land

Lorian: mercenary of Free Land. The only one who wasn't willing to join the fight against Amon


Fenrir: a black shadow wolf and Odin's companion

The Swarm: artificially created race to facilitate the birth of new immortals. It's not certain, if it worked

Cetus: a planet eater and prey for immortals

Star whale: deceased, a friend of Lucifer's, whose death facilitated the war in heaven and hell

Boseiju: burned, the ancient tree and former home of the kitsune

Gaya: the Sprit of the planet

The Broken Wheel: a fractal of Gaya, bound to the mortal believe of death and silence

The Immortal Sun: a fractal of Gaya, bound to the mortal beloved of the sun and fire

Barzuk: an orc, one of Shafeer's servants. Died saving Viyara and the others from Galathon

Shassa: an ancient spider, Amon's first teacher. She's currently imprisoned in a gem

The wisps: a living manifestation of Cassandra's power. They are Helena's beating heart.