DAY : 10

After continuous struggle , Valeria and Layla successfully managed to create neutrino 57 with highest efficiency ... They planned to attach VAL machine with the collider to make perfect anti- black hole...

IN THE MAIN CELL: Main cell is actually surrounded with LHC... Valeria , Shawn , Sheila and Layla along with others were concentrating at LHCs interior via computer screen . They had attached anti - black hole with the collider and were trying to observe the results that it would bring when something suddenly caught their attention...

VALERIA : What is this ?

LAYLA : I don' t know...

SHEILA : Its shinning blue in colour...

LAYLA : Yeah , I think so...

VALERIA : It can be some type of particle...

LAYLA: Let us calculate its state ...

SHEILA: Its something new ...

LAYLA: Yeah I know...

ZEN : I can't believe this , we discovered a new particle ...

VALERIA : Its not possible. Anti- black hole should have drawn out black hole's energy ...

SHAWN : Well if you think about ... It does make sense...We don't know much about black holes. When we apply our theories to it ...It leads to infinity which reflects limitations of our theories...

LAYLA : Yeah Shawn is right...

SHAWN : Thanks ( blushing )...

VALERIA : ( suggestively) Yeah Shawn is always right .... ( looking at Shawn with smirk. ) ...

[ At this Shawn was embarrased and looked at Valeria with pleading eyes. ]

LAYLA : What do you mean ? ...( with scrunched face)... Anyway it doesn't matter ...Judging from calculations its probably neutrino 58 ...

" Neutrino 58 ! ", everyone exclaimed in synchronism ...

LAYLA : Yeah I think so...It means we have found another particle which we predicted for our standard model....( its a table of different particles ) ...

SHAWN : But that is not our real concern ....The real concern is why didn't black hole 's energy receded this time...

VALERIA : Looks like our present either our present theories aren't right or something is anti - blackhole...

SHAWN : I think something happened to black hole...

LAYLA: Like some kind of change in size , nature or energy...

CHARLOTTE ( one of the 15 scientists came inside hurriedly): I found it ...The radiations that black hole emits have changed...Its nature is same as the radiation emitted by the stars which ISC ( international research centre) discovered some years before...

ZEN : I knew I was getting 'Deja vu'.

VALERIA : Yet you didn't realise sooner...

ZEN : You also didn't ...

LAYLA : Enough! About the radiation ...I think we need to look more into it...If there are similarities between the two ...We can grasp more about what is going on...

VALERIA : Yeah right now everything seems like reading Chinese manuscript ....