DAY 26

When Sheila entered the room , Layla was sitting on her desk contemplating on something . At first Sheila didn't know how to confront her but she gathered her courage to confront Layla with great difficulty ...

SHEILA : May I come in ?

LAYLA : You may ...

SHEILA : I want to talk to you .

LAYLA: About ?

SHEILA : Before everything you should know that though we are not that close but I still trust you ...Whatever you will say I will believe ...So please don't let me down ...

LAYLA : What's going on ?

SHEILA : Did you use unknown element for the experimentation because we were short of funds ?


SHEILA : Yes or no?

LAYLA : Yes ...but ---

SHEILA : Please don't say anything just tell me . Did you use all of our funds for the supply of element rather neglecting collider 's annual review ?...

LAYLA: Yes ...not all but some of the funds ...

SHEILA : Do you even realise what you have done? Everyone trusted you .They tried to support you ...How can you do this ?

LAYLA : I didn't have any other choice ....If I hadn't done it we would have been forced to stop this project .

SHEILA: You have risked everyone's life because of the project ... No one can excuse or forgive you for what you have done ....I am telling everyone what you have done ...They have to know ...

LAYLA: No !! Sheila listen to me we can 't do this ...We have to handle the situation carefully . I promise once blackhole will disappear I will inform everyone by myself ...I promise...

SHEILA : I can' t deceive my teammates like you ...

LAYLA : Can you at least wait till tomorrow...Please .

SHEILA : Alright but only until 16: 00 ...After that your time is up...

LAYLA : Thanks ...

SHEILA : Actually I am quiet surprised how we didn't even question you about ZEUS 235. We just assumed that since its you who chose it what can possibly go wrong . Hence its also our fault ...

LAYLA: I don't know what to say but...

SHEILA: Don' t you dare to say anything ...Don't even try ...

LAYLA (sigh): Okay ...

SHEILA : Remember I can only wait until tomorrow..

Sheila exited the room while Layla sat on her chair thinking about what to do now ...