CHAPTER : 39 contd

When Sheila entered the room she was surprised to find Ceycey and Carol ...She kept thinking about what to do with her life...How to explain to them if they asked about black hole ? These questions haunted her crazily ...On the other hand, Carol and Ceycey were confused .... as well as flustered ...

CEYCEY : We ...we just...

CAROL : I am sorry we know that we weren't allowed to enter here ...We just got curious and ...

SHEILA : Its okay ...Its just that ...There are some things which are very confidential...Those things can't be disclosed to anyone...

CAROL: Got it ...We are sorry to intrude ....(dragging Ceycey out of her room)

CEYCEY : You know how to use your very well , don't you?

Carol didn't answer Ceycey at all....She just left him there ...Although Sheila tried to convince them ....Ceycey was not satisfied with her answer rather he became more suspicious ...And Sheila knew something was wrong ...

IN LAYLA'S CABIN : Every important scientist of ZERN is gathered ... And Sheila told them everything ...

LAYLA: What ! How ?

SHEILA: I don't know but I think you know something ..

LAYLA : No! I don't ...I didn't tell them anything ...

ZEN : Of course you do ...You are the one who brought them here ....

SHAWN : Enough ! Have you forgotten that she was the one who basically founded ZERN ...

SHEILA : Yes ....And she was the one who deceived us...

Have you ever been in the situation when you can't explain yourself to anyone even though you haven't done anything wrong but you can't say anything because of your wrongdoings... That is how Layla felt guilty ,shattered and hopeless....She knew once you break someone's trust you are unable to fix it... No matter what ....

SHAWN : Do you think anyone has the right to blame her ? Does it make any sense why would she do it ?

SHEILA : Ok ...Then explain how they got suspicious ....

ZEN : What will we ...How are we gonna answer all those people ...? Do you even understand the severity of situation...?

SHAWN : And apparently blaming each other is the right way to do it , right ?

ZEN : No , it is not ...But ...

LAYLA : Enough ! I know what to do ...Let ' s reveal the whole black hole situation to world ...

With this all researchers began whispering ...

SHEILA : You have no authority to decide anything anymore ...

LAYLA : Yeah I know ....Let us conduct referendum .....

SHAWN : Great idea...

While this drama erupted in black hole, Valeria was still wandering around ... She was severely shocked after the death of pigeon ...She roamed and saw people laughing , hugging and playing ...All she could think was how black hole could destroy their whole world ....The world where people had their own plans ...Wasn't science supposed to work for humanity ? When did it turned against the humanity ...Perhaps when industries were born and trees were deforested or when atomic bombs were made ... Who knows when it began ....