DAY : 41

Layla's cabin is on the top most floor and on the front side of the building ...When Layla revealed the secret ...Everyone was terrified ...

CEYCEY : Are you ...You are kidding ,right ?!

LAYLA : No ...And please relax ...

GIOVANNI : How is it possible ? And why didn't it vaporize ?

CAROL : Doesn't that mean ZEUS 235 and hence black hole has something to do with the dark matter ....

LAYLA : Maybe yes and maybe no ....Actually nobody knows yet ....

MUSTAFA : What will happen if no one is able to perish black hole...

CEYCEY : It will suck our earth ... And it be like Earth never existed ...

LAYLA : I am sorry guys but we will find a solution to it ...So relax ...

CEYCEY : Ok ...

CAROL : Your consolation isn 't effective at all ...

As expected all of the four researchers were terrified ...Of course it wasn't something they could have ever imagined . Black holes are terrifying than any other hazard because we don't know anything about them ...Not knowing your enemy means you can never predict their next move ...Its indeed as terrifying... as walking in dark ...

Zen , Shawn , Layla ,Sheila and others were all busy in investigating more about black hole....They decided to concentrate on their work for now ... Black hole seemed stable for now ...As per calculations it would emit strong radiation exactly after 23 days ...It had formed thin line of accretion disc whose path was hard to detect because of light distortion....

ZEN : Let us change the angle of our research ...

SHAWN : What do you mean?

ZEN : Instead of trying to make it perish we can just research on the black hole ...

SHEILA : You mean that we should find more about black hole ,right ?

ZEN : Yeah , we can just investigate it properly and then maybe we can ....

LAYLA : Find some way to use it ...

ZEN : Yep ...Maybe it can help us to know more about time travel....

SHAWN : Ok , then I will write the report on what we know about black hole so far...

There were many things which had to be discussed ...But the main problem was why it could not be vanished via hawking radiation ...

How was this black hole different from any other black holes already known ...And if it was similar to any of those , then how ? Basic problem was its origin ...How did it came into existence ? How did it form neutrino 38?

As Shawn began writing his report he found that there were many loopholes in their findings ...Something huge was missing ...Something mysterious which had yet to fill in the gaps...

As Shawn was writing the report ...Layla entered the office with smile ... Without knowing Shawn was nervous ...

LAYLA : Hey ...

SHAWN : Hi ....( nervously )

LAYLA : Thank you so much for supporting me back then ...

SHAWN : No problem ...(blushing )...

LAYLA : Why are you so nervous before me ? Are you scared of me ?.

Shawn didn't know what to say so he just kept his head down ...

LAYLA : Why aren't saying something? I am not a monster ...You know ...

Layla never took initiative to talk with anyone but due to some reason she felt like talking to him...Maybe it was because she knew he wouldn't judge her ...