
One day later...

After going through almost every field where Tooth Grass grew in that forest region, the blonde woman searching for Lothur finally gave up her plan.

She had not understood what had happened, but strangely, she could not find the tracks of that young man after coming across the previous corpses.

On the other hand, every place she had passed after collecting the items of those corpses had not yet been searched by anyone. It was as if her target had simply given up on his mission to collect the Tooth Grass!

But this woman had nothing to do with that situation.

She had tried to chase a person behind her tracks, who had been careful in his steps, slow compared to her.

In the end, she did not find Lothur anywhere and just returned angrily to Peters City, lamenting her failure.

However, while that woman had been frustrated in her attempt to deal with Lothur, this individual had gone about his mission without further problems.