
"Are you sure you want to rush things so much? I think your parents will probably want to separate us if they find out about us." Lothur said as he looked into her eyes.

"Not if I tell them the truth..."

"What? You wouldn't..." He opened his eyes wide, looking incredulously at her.

She laughed and said. "Not to my father, but if I talk to my mother, I can arrange things. She can help us and convince my father."


"I think she'll want to kill me if you tell her..."

"Shhh!" She put one of her fingers in Lothur's mouth to shut him up. "You're silly about these things. Besides being afraid of babies, you're afraid of committing... But you shouldn't worry about such things. We have already gone too far, and my mother will not act against the man who made me a woman and whom I love."