The Consequences of a Bad Choice

When Magnus jumped out of the window of his room in that hotel, all the elders and the patriarch of House Trapka, who was there, noticed his attitude.

They were watching him, as they were already considering handing this person over to the Becker family to avoid deeper problems with this organization.

The Becker family could not only hurt them badly at the Province Conference but force alliances of House Trapka with other powers to end and attack them in other ways.

In short, since House Becker was more substantial than their family, they were in great danger of having one of their members in the cross hairs of such an organization!

So even though Magnus was one of their strongest of them, losing him might be the best choice for this family not to be weakened by an incident he had initiated alone.

So everyone was already watching him, as he suspected. And when he acted, they immediately left their rooms to pursue him!