The Finals for Formations Masters 2

When the spheres thrown by Lothur came within just 2 meters of his surprised opponent, the two stopped spinning and exploded!


The first created a highly bright beam of light, causing people from various parts of the coliseum stands to try to hide their eyes with their forearms.

That was particularly true for Lothur's opponent, the young man looking toward the spheres when they exploded.

He unconsciously closed his eyes at that moment while raising his arms toward his face.

His defensive shield was in his right hand, already activated, something he had done the moment Lothur had initiated his attack movement.

This young man was confident in his offensive formation, so he felt he could defeat his opponent by dealing with this sudden attack first and then attacking in a second moment.

Unfortunately for the Frohberg family's black-haired young man's plans, Lothur's second sphere exploded along with the first, hurling several fragments at him.