The End of the Province Conference 1

In the blink of an eye, the first matches of the team warrior competition went through the first round.

In this round, Lothur's group moved up the combat platform since the teams had the means to neutralize Viktoria. So it made no sense to let them pass peacefully through to the semifinals.

But even though the opposing teams had their ways against Lothur's group, he, Viktoria, and Annaliese managed to get through the first combat, beating their opponents.

How had they done this with one less person and Annaliese on their side? Lothur and Viktoria had hurt their opponents whenever they could during the other competitions of this day's finals.

Because of this, several of their opponents had more injuries than they would have liked when they went up to face them in this first team-fighting match.

That resulted in their first victory, which took them to the quarter-finals.