Using the Emperor

When he heard the leader of that group speaking those words, Lothur immediately understood the reason for this circus around the exit of the Hippodrome.

'So it was a person from the Duke who was trying to spy on me...' He looked in the direction of the commander of the local guard, sensing how shameless these people were.

Not only did they want to meddle in his business, but they also wanted to punish him for trying to stop their action against him!

Meanwhile, Viktoria and Annaliese, also in his carriage, were watching the situation outside that area, where many guards were stationed.

"Lothur, what are we going to do?" Annaliese asked, worried about what might happen.

"Let's try to talk to them." He said as he got up and left that carriage.

In the midst of this, Viktoria saw that several of the carriages that were leaving that place before theirs had stopped, with their partners turning their attention to this situation.