Sacrifice Needed 

"Maybe we have a chance to stop the worst from happening. I've been studying new methods to do that..." Elisabeth shouted while she already had the defenses of her house activated. "You should at least let me try, Chris!"

The Duke heard this and was not convinced. "Elisabeth, you have told me this several times in the past, and you have never shown proof that you can help this girl!"

"Now that the situation has reached this point and you can no longer fulfill our agreement, it's time to give up."

"Give up? You're really too cold! This is a life we're talking about!" She said indignantly.

"No, we're talking about thousands of lives." The Duke said, making an ugly expression on his face.

He did not like the situation either since he had nothing against Rebecca. He even thought that having someone from his province with such a powerful Physique might help him somehow.

If Rebecca could control her powers, the day might come when she would become a great expert in the empire.