
As she began to fight Annaliese, Larissa soon realized that her opponent was weaker than she should be, considering her soul fluctuations.

'Uh? What's happening? She emits an aura almost as strong as mine, but her spiritual attacks seem less powerful...' This white-haired woman used her soul power to dodge her opponent's blows, escaping taking Annaliese's harsh blows.

Annaliese demonstrated a lower combat level than her aura said she could achieve. But still, Larissa had to be careful, or she would suffer at the hands of this brown-haired woman.

But as Larissa was thinking, Annaliese really was demonstrating a combat proficiency below her level.

Not only that, but as she moved swiftly, using her techniques to end the fight quickly, Annaliese was getting increasingly tired.

Viktoria, Lothur, and Elke saw that and promptly realized what the problem was.