
The moment she heard that, the woman clenched her fists but did not refute her companion's words.

She did not want to leave them there to face demons alone, but the Imperial Prison was not far away, and as long as she left Lothur nearby, some imperial guard could take him inside.

"OK. I'll go, but I'll return as soon as possible." She said while the other three had serious expressions, feeling anticipation and fear for what might happen next.

Then, as they floated a few feet above ground level, that woman flew with Lothur and Ice in the direction of the Imperial Prison, following the direction they had been in earlier.

That beautiful woman who had appeared before them indicated a different direction from the Imperial Prison. So as the human flew down a path that passed above the demon trap, Lothur's mother directed the three Transcendents in the direction she had indicated.

"This way."

The three began to fly after her shortly after that.

However, that would not last long!