Time for Vengeance 

As he made his way to Arno, Lothur left no enemy behind.

He would not allow any of those people to run away from him after all that had happened, so while those many enemies inside that building were trying to attack him or run away, he was fighting them with his powers.

Against some, it would be enough for him just to use his Gravity, but for others, he would have to actively control them using the Black Flames.

One way or another, he was overpowering everyone in his path, making them, against their own will, accompany him to the top floor of this building.

Even walking slowly, he and more than 40 people would arrive at that place in no time without Arno or some of the stronger people around him realizing the problem.

They were trying to recover from the fight of days ago, so they were too focused on their recovery to notice what was happening within their own faction.

When Lothur kicked open the door that separated him from these people, they were all taken by surprise!