Stolen Item  

After easily overpowering each of those six people, Lothur didn't want to linger any longer than necessary there as he felt worried.

He looked at the son of the patriarch of this family, who should be the person with the best information in this group. "I am in search of an important artifact for me. It looks like a sheet of metal, and many on the continent are searching for a few versions of this thing.

I heard that your family has one of these. Is this true? Where is it?"

Leon heard that and immediately bowed his head to answer his master. "Sorry to disappoint you, my master, we no longer have this Singularity. We had this item stored in the family vault a few decades ago. It was our most valuable item.

However, an incident involving one of our most important members developed here at that time, generating several human losses for us and the loss of this leaf.

After that, it disappeared, and we never got any trace of what happened to it."