
With Lothur's impressive presentation, the people in that hall were still silent, some with open mouths, some with wide eyes, but others with closed eyes, processing this change.

Everyone there knew that Lothur had fled from the imperial family and was being persecuted by the Seraphim Church.

Seeing him so strong and in this city, they were sure he had deceived the Church and was the half-breed being hunted.

No one could raise their powers as quickly as Lothur had done!

Only a dreadful creature could achieve such an impressive feat!

Seeing him there after weeks away from this city, everyone was thinking about this relevant fact and what it meant to them.

'He really is a hybrid...' Luis thought to himself, understanding why some of Daemon's actions, but also Lothur's strengthening speed.

'He's already a Saint... A Celestial Saint!' Larissa considered, clenching her fists tightly as she looked into the silver eyes of her ally.