Time to Avoid Trouble 

While holding his defenses, slowly noticing the flame axe of that orange creature oppressing him, the Celestial Saint facing Lothur felt a warmth in his body.

Taking some of his attention away from Lothur for an instant, he looked down at his body. He suddenly saw orange flames rising in his surroundings.


Lothur maliciously laughed upon seeing that. "Hahahaha, that's a good bone! Feel the power of a field skill!" He shouted at his opponent while making the very air in the surroundings catch fire.


Unfortunately for that man, the affinity of Lothur's powers with the flame element was very high, and he knew several ways to use the abilities of this last bone he absorbed.

One of Lothur's current abilities was to make everything in his surroundings catch fire.

The air itself had many molecules capable of helping him in this purpose, and by connecting his understanding with this ability, he easily put flames on that man hiding behind a shield.