Sebastian's Determination 

A few more days passed...

At this moment, in an area between the Petha Empire and Rablus, in an area bordering the Ancestral Region, there was a small camp in a hidden corner of this area, between two large mountains.

The vegetation in the area was dense, with many trees reaching a height of over 100 meters, casting great shadows over the surface.

Just where this camp was, the shade of the trees protected the place from the light rays of the day, making the area permanently dark, as if only night existed there.

But creatures of various kinds lived on this dark surface, crawling from side to side, while the cooler temperature of this part of the forest would be something that would bother most of Concordia's living beings.

Furthermore, few beings would dare to pass through this area, as each mountain was said to be the domain of powerful beasts, which made the surroundings somewhat dangerous.

But that was what made this place such a good site to camp!