
In the blink of an eye, a whole week had passed...

Lothur's group had followed Cykad's plans and hunted demons and spectres during these days, having accumulated many new Soul Bones and made good progress concerning Blood and Smoke's strengths.

Lothur had also improved the progress of his bones and resistances a little more, having experienced slightly more significant improvements in recent days, given the strength of his targets.

As their hunt progressed, the group went after stronger and stronger creatures. Consequently, the points Lothur had been absorbing were increasing every day, and his progress was accelerating.

However, just as their opponents were getting stronger, more difficulties were coming to Lothur and his group's way, and they had to be more cautious in their actions.

They had encountered some groups of demons with sniffers in their composition and had naturally avoided them, moving on to the following groups.