Chapter 54. Laura Chevalier

Horace still couldn't believe Kristyn was a typical horse girl while growing up.

He moved towards the stables he'd never been to before, he'd seen the winding road tip-off from their backyard garden but imagining it led to a stable that housed seven horses had never come to his mind before.

Two thoroughbreds, three mustangs, a shire horse and a Lusitano. Although one thoroughbred was nowhere in sight, it was probably comforting its owner right now. He wasn't used to Lusitanos, he personally prefered Andalusian horses to them because of their more docile nature.

And Mr. Chevalier had told him that one of the mustangs had a stifle injury, he couldn't tell which one. They all looked healthy, he could have identified them by color, but their shades of brown were within a very close range. And Mr. Chevalier was very helpful in saying the brown one.

"They're all brown!"