Chapter 70. Running off

Svetlana's eyes clung to the window, peering out as the familiar houses swept past. She felt sick with dread.

The sedan car took a sharp turn into a less busy street. Pierson was rushing as fast as he could to stop Maggie from putting an end to whatsoever was left of their relationship.

She chewed on her lip and lowered her head, playing distractedly with the star-shaped berry air freshener, she'd plucked earlier from where it hung around the rearview mirror. Pierson swerved passed an annoyingly slow hatchback eating up into his lane. He was almost over the speeding limit for this area.

"Pierson! Are you trying to get us killed? I know you're worried about Maggie but right now your life is more important!"

Svetlana's words were more covered in her selfish feelings than with actual consideration of Pierson's girlfriend. She knew why he was like this. So frantic and restless. And the reason was only causing her more pain.