Chapter 85. Airport

Spears of dawn light suddenly drenched the farthest corners with their golden magic.

White-puffed clouds glided across the sky. A crisp drizzle following along with their appearance. It cleansed the land and banished the strong coldness and strangling silence of winter. Plinking and pattering off the leaves with its liquid grace. It was at night that Melody found out about the flowers spread abroad outside her window.

The spectre-silver moon began to wane and the fog of flowers in the meadow slowly revealed themselves. It was the frill of them with their aromas hovering in the air that particularly drew her attention to them amidst her sobs. Shoals of honeysuckle, primroses and bluebells sway and weave a rich mosaic in the meadows.

But it wasn't nighttime anymore. Glancing at the windows the flower field looked more lively but only at night under the dripping rain can they both share their sadness together. She sighed heavily, letting her head drop.