Chapter 119. Chili

Melody stared out the window at the sky. 

The clouds had looked like airy anvils drifting under the gleaming disc of the sun.

She had fully recovered now. Just yesterday her foot was throbbing so much from just walking but after completing the last of the prescribed medications the pain dispersed completely. 

She had already notified Fleur de la Hoya about her resumption in a week. She sighed. A lot of things still made her pensive. The sudden rise in Seth's inability to control his darkness and the fact that he was keeping that a secret from her was unnerving and she didn't want to admit it.

She strode into the palace. A lot had changed in eleven months. For one—

"Did everyone plan to renovate or something?"

Rows of tiles laid upon ornate stonework, like the icing on a cake. The extravagant palace building stood tall as if it pointed to the heavens. She couldn't help staring while she walked through the newly adorned hallways.