Chapter 134. What do I get in return?

Melody sighed as she strolled into the ice cream shop. It had been raining cats and dogs the previous week and today it was blazing hot enough to fry an egg.

Her thin green sundress was already plastered to her body and she could feel fresh dewdrops of moisture trickle sticking down between her breast.

She liked summer but not like this. Sweat was her mortal enemy. She could release water like a towel dipped in water and she hated it. She ordered a triple scoop and ate by the wall table where the cooling charm was enhancing the air conditioning.

She sighed again. She's been sighing a lot these days, especially last night when she bolted off like that. She pressed her eyes shut, she wasn't proud of her actions but...

She carved her plastic spoon in the tub and emerged with a giant scoop of rainbow ice cream. The flavours made her taste buds tingle but she couldn't taste them. It was bland.