Chapter 167. Bradawl

"What the hell is going on outside."

The weatherman was at a loss for words. He was on national television, live, and he couldn't understand the multiple national disasters popping up on the magical diagram of the planet. It's supposed to depict images of planet Maligma's weather in real time but everything was just... falling apart.

"Citizens of Asgard... get to safety immediately! Run for your lives!"


Thirty minutes earlier, before doomsday began...

"Who are you?"

Skipper sat up on her bed. She was very sure that she was in reality now as her caduceus wand appeared in her hands on command.

The little girl was by her window, she looked even younger now. About two years old or less. Was that really her tormentor?

"You should come and see outside before you talk for yourself." 

Tirhanna didn't turn to look at Skipper, she was standing on a stool, overlooking the turmoil that was beginning to eat up the continent.