It was after lunch time when Liu Wei finally woke up. Her body was sore, but she felt enormous satisfaction.

The picnic was really a success and there was nothing to complain about.

She stretched her arms and legs and saw the shy rays of the sun invade her room.

She got up and opened the window, breathed in the fresh air, today was definitely a good day.

She put on her clothes and put on light makeup.

She would go to the kitchen to have something to eat with Mrs. Chun.

Meanwhile, Wang Zheng had already been awake for a few hours and was taking care of the accumulated work of the last few days. She sighed wearily.

Many tasks were being forced to take a back seat because of the Bloody Spring, especially joint decisions with the councils.

It was really problematic to let the councils make decisions and discuss matters among themselves without the queen present.

At the same time, the popular parliament was getting into major conflicts with the merchants and the clergy. They were in a constant battle over tax cuts and tax increases.

The parliament wanted to pay less and the others wanted to receive more in the justification that the country's per capita income had increased a lot since the last readjustment.

So exhausting.

The second stage of the Bloody Spring was about to begin and the feast that would mark its beginning was already being organized.

Huan Yang was finally reporting for work, he slept like an angel and rested as much as he could.


The queen didn't seem in a good mood, she looked at the huge paperwork and could only sigh.

The young alpha knew that for the queen the hardest part of her reign was pleasing the council members, there would always be someone dissatisfied and that would mean someone willing to cause trouble and more trouble.

"Huan Yang, you arrived at a good time, I want you to ask them to prepare the car... Let's go out."

"Sure, where do you want to go?"

The queen gave a shy smile. "Let's go to my old house."

"Okay, I'll have the car ready right away."


Huan Yang quickly walked away in search of the queen's car.

In less than half an hour, Wang Zheng was already inside the car heading to the desired destination.

She was calmly looking over some documents that she hadn't even had a chance to finish in the office.

The omega had some thoughts in mind that if they were true they would be really troubling. But it was not yet the time to worry, it was just necessary to be cautious.

"I want you to prepare a report on Chow Niu, the vice president of parliament…"

The alpha felt curious about the queen's request, would there be a problem with the people's parliament?!

It was not surprising that the three most traditional councils had such high ambitions, but the people's parliament was the way of the commons to be represented before the queen and they still sought respect and a sense of equality between themselves and others.

Their demands and participations were more cautious and subtle.

Chow Niu currently stood out with strong opinions against the monarchy system and councils, the queen wanted to meet her.

"Right. Your majesty is finding something wrong?"

The queen shook her head in the negative, but remained thoughtful. "I just have a feeling that meeting her will be useful to me in the future."

"I see… Today your majesty still has a meeting with lord Hui Xu."

The Queen ran her hand through her hair roughly, she didn't particularly like Hui Xu. Wang Zheng had known the old omega since she succeeded to the throne replacing her father and he never seemed to make her job easier, currently as leader of the council of elders he was the one who most pressed the queen for an heir.

She sighed regretfully.

"Yes, he must want to know how I feel about alphas…"

Huan Yang knew very well what the queen thought about the old omega. Hui Xu was once a good friend of Wang Chu, the queen's father.

But since the king's death the omega had insisted on trying to replace the father's position that had become empty and the queen found this extremely irritating.

Hui Xu was from an extremely rich and prestigious noble family from the country of Wang, he as the current leader of the council of elders made the vast majority of nobles follow his opinions and it was his idea the Bloody Spring… Maybe Wang Zheng should thank him on a future occasion, after all, if it weren't for him, the queen wouldn't have met Liu Wei.

"Your Majesty intends to say that you are interested in an omega?"

The queen frowned upon hearing Huan Yang's question. "No. The less he knows the better."


The queen dropped the papers on the seat next to her and stared out the car window.

The journey continued peacefully.

Wang Zheng didn't think she would ever return to that house and Liu Wei chose her for their first date.

Some things seemed like great ironies of destiny. She smiled happily.

Huan Yang just followed in the queen's footsteps while observing the place, he knew the house by always making some visits to check on its condition, but as the queen never ordered a renovation the house was in very poor condition until his last visit.

He was really surprised, the house was in a much better state than before. "The princess has done a great job in less than a week."

She smiled proudly, Liu Wei really was an amazing woman, right?! "Yes, she even bothered to make a security structure."

The house was very clean and it was notable how much safer it was, but needed a complete overhaul to ensure it was perfect for use again. "Your majesty want me to do something in this house?"

Wang Zheng nodded. "Make sure this place stays clean and running."

Liu Wei was actually making the queen change from water to wine. He felt curious. "Does Your Majesty have anything in particular to do with this house?"

She smiled. Of course she had, but Huan Yang could wait to find out. "Soon you should know."

He nodded obediently, so be it.

Reaching the huge opening between the garden and the kitchen, she stopped and thought. "Ask for a temporary bathroom, we are going to completely renovate this house... I hope to be able to use this place with my family in the future."

Huan Yang was very surprised by the queen's words… Family? Was she really thinking about heirs? Children, grandchildren, nephews, or anything reminiscent of a family was always seen as a very distant topic for the queen.

"Yes, your majesty."

Wang Zheng had a great idea for this house. She smiled imagining what fate awaited her.

"Have some professionals check the structure of the house. Make sure it is completely safe, also ask that any damaged furniture is replaced with new…"

"... On this wall ask for a glass door. I liked this opening..."

The queen looked at some details carefully while Huan Yang took notes to pass on to the engineers and contractors.

"Okay, do you want to change the table and the puffs?"

She nodded in the negative. "Keep it like that, Liu Wei put them on, don't change the lighting either, just find a way for it to make some noise before turning on the night."

Wang Zheng still remembered well the fright she got when the lights came on unceremoniously.


The queen took one last look and quickly left.

She hoped to return to that place accompanied by Liu Wei next time.

"Good. We can return to the palace."

"Yes your majesty."

The queen herself was long and fast again in her car and already had half a dozen more papers to check before she arrived for her meeting.

Huan Yang quickly closed the door and the queen glared at him.

"I also want you to speak to the gardener and ask him to give the correct instructions for the new greenhouse and let him know that it will stay here... My new rose will stay in it."

The alpha smiled in satisfaction. He had gone to the queen's room and collected the flower that was a gift from Liu Wei.

"Miss Liu Wei has managed to get a great seedling."

She laughed funny, knew what he was up to together with Liu Wei.

"You told her about the rose, right?"

"Well, I just made a brief comment."

The queen let out a subtle laugh. Huan Yang really seemed to like the little princess, smiled in his heart.

"Well, thanks for that."

"It's nothing, if your majesty is happy I'm happy."


Huan Yang was very young and despite not knowing much about life, he knew that the queen had been unhappy for many years and if Liu Wei is the one who will make the queen have happy days, then he will do everything for the queen's will. be done.

In less than an hour, the queen was back at the palace and was already locked in her office with Huan Yang.