Liu Wei could feel her skin burning from Wang Zheng's simple gaze.

The young princess knew that was a lot of stimulation for her glands and she was already close to her estrus.

Liu Wei was crawling on the huge bed and her eyes couldn't take a split second away from Wang Zheng's body. The older omega was so beautiful, it seemed impossible not to want her.

The young princess fingered the smooth skin in front of her. The heat between them was so enveloping and comfortable. She sighed into her heart.

Her firm, long legs were grasped and completely touched. Her lips were tempted to touch.

Wang Zheng could not contain her sighs and excitement. She faced the other omega who was slowly kissing and pulled to more closer to her, wanting to kiss her with everything she had.

"You want to drive me crazy, right?"

Liu Wei grinned, yes she really wanted to. "I want... Go crazy for me..."

Wang Zheng entwined her legs around the young omega's waist and pressed her against his body. They kissed as if their lives depended on it.

They fought for dominance of the kiss, waiting for the other's complete surrender.

Wang Zheng could no longer think clearly and Liu Wei wanted the queen to finally release all the pheromone she was trying to hold back.

"Release all your pheromone on me..."

An omega in estrus desperately needed to release her pheromone into the environment and let her scent permeate her partner.

When the omega released her pheromone, she let herself be completely carried away by her instincts and would hardly be able to think clearly, it was an exhausting and extremely pleasurable process.

However, it was impossible to remove the scent of an omega in estrus with a simple shower, it would take two or three days for the smell to dissipate completely and Liu Wei was ready to have the queen's scent clinging to her skin.

"You're so sweet, baby."


They kissed each other intensely as they let themselves be carried away by desire and by its pheromones. Anyone who dared enter that room couldn't stand the strong tangle of pineapple and mint, so suffocating and delirious.

The queen felt completely hostage to Liu Wei's hands and kisses, but she wanted more and more from her. She wanted to finally be branded into her skin and have that woman completely.

"Your glands are so hot..."

Liu Wei sighed heavily, her teeth itched in excitement, this was a new and conflicting sensation.

She could feel the queen's glands extremely hot, she wanted to bite her.

The queen took advantage of the closeness and whispered in the little princess' ear. "I want to be marked by you... Would you do that?"

Wang Zheng felt unsatisfied to notice that Liu Wei had completely stopped moving. The tingling in her body only increased and she felt completely restless and hot.

The queen looked into the fearful eyes of the young omega, approached and began to kiss every inch of that beautiful face.

"I won't regret..."

Liu Wei sighed heavily and the queen felt slightly impatient.. "...I want your flavor marked on me, Liu Wei..."

The princess could feel her heart flutter with the kisses on her face. She lightly touched the queen's glands and felt her shudder in her arms.

The queen turned around slightly, fully exposing her glands and Liu Wei couldn't get her mouth close. She ran her tongue over the plump skin and the sweet pineapple flavor seemed to envelop her mouth and make her numb. Her ears were muted and your reason evaporated.

Liu Wei ground her teeth against the queen's glands and she could feel the soft flesh melt in her mouth and a sweet pineapple flavor invade your mouth intensely.

Feeling the omega's teeth digging into her glands, Wang Zheng could feel her body writhing in pain. But the stickiness between her legs increased to the point where she felt she couldn't keep her hands still. She couldn't understand what was happening and the feeling was so excruciating and pleasurable... She refused to leave.

The queen felt herself getting warmer. Could she have more and more of Liu Wei? She took the other omega's hand and joined hers and guided it along her body.

She could feel Liu Wei's surprise by feeling the stiffness coming from her body.

"I want everything you can give me..."

They didn't know how long that contact and those movements lasted, they just knew that the room was getting hotter and hotter, to the point of exploding.

Wang Zheng woke up to the sound of her bedroom shower being turned off, her body was sore, but the discomfort in her glands completely subsided after being marked.

The queen felt her head heavy and her eyes cloudy with sleep. She turned her face towards the bathroom door and could see Liu Wei's beautiful silhouette appear before her eyes.

"Did I wake you up?"

Liu Wei came out of the bathroom with just a towel in her hands to dry her hair and she was completely undressed.

The queen felt her face heat up, the little princess was so beautiful...she sighed in satisfaction.

She stared at Liu Wei's fair skin which was now covered in bite and nail marks.

Wang Zheng felt shy, they really went all the way...

The young princess approached the queen who was completely satisfied amidst her sheets and kissed her on the cheek, so delicate and beautiful.

The queen smiled at the affectionate gesture and turned her face to return a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I woke up to the sound of the shower."

She could see a faint sunlight entering the room, normally Huan Yang would open the curtains early in the morning, but this time the room was completely dark and there was a slight smell of mint in the air.

Liu Wei felt a little guilty about waking the queen. "I'm sorry... Feeling better?"

Wang Zheng didn't move much and Liu Wei had to crouch at the height of the mattress to talk looking directly at the queen. She laughed in the older omega's lazy way.

"Yes, but I'm tired."

The little princess had a comfortable feeling in her heart, she wanted to protect and care for Wang Zheng.

Now the queen carried Liu Wei's mark on her glands and the sweet pineapple blended with the mint subtly and harmoniously. The young omega was content to smell her next to the queen's, now she was her omega.

Liu Wei threw the towel on a chair and crawled under the covers to sleep with the queen. "So, let's sleep."

The queen stared at the thick skin completely uncovered and sighed. "You're not shy..."

Liu Wei laughed as he saw where the queen was looking.

"I'm not, although I was quite shy around you at first."

Queen showed a surprised expression. "For what?"

The girl smiled beautifully and Wang Zheng could feel her heart melt for that princess. "I suspect that your pineapple smell made me fall in love at first sight."


Liu Wei nodded in the affirmative, while stroking his omega's hair lightly. "Yes, now let's go to sleep, it's still 5 a.m."

The queen nodded and leaned comfortably on Liu Wei's chest, they felt happy and comfortable with that touch.

It didn't take long for them to fall asleep and sleep peacefully.