Liu Wei after the short walk to her room could already feel the fatigue taking over your body. She felt exhausted.

Being with the queen was just wonderful, but the little princess could barely stand now. Her estrus was so close that it most likely wouldn't make it past tomorrow. She sighed into her heart.

Her steps were slow and shuffling. She took a deep breath and watched Anna finally open the door for them.

"Would you like a little rest, miss?"

Anna knew well what Liu Wei was facing and as much comfort as possible she would offer him.

The young omega just nodded in the affirmative.

An hour's nap could sometimes work miracles.

Anna just opened the covers and as soon as Liu Wei was lying down she covered her.

The beta knew well that Liu Wei being with the queen forcing all her pheromone out would be really troublesome for her estrus.

In little more than five minutes, the princess was already sleeping heavily. She wouldn't have much time to rest before heading to the theater, so every second was extremely precious.

After exactly 45 minutes the omega woke up scared, sighed heavily. Sleep was also bad at that time. She got up heavily and went to take a quick shower to finally get dressed.

When Anna returned to the room Liu Wei was finishing her makeup, she had to put on more makeup than usual to hide the enormous fatigue plastered on her face.

An outfit was hanging on the bathroom door and Liu Wei pointed at it. "I'm going in that outfit."

"Yes, princess."

Anna briefly touched the garment to confirm it was in perfect condition and heard the voice of the young omega next to her.

"Anna, thank you."

Liu Wei lightly hugged the beta's arm, looking like a small child looking for comfort with his mother.

Anna touched the princess' back and comforted her. There was nothing that couldn't be resolved, that's what she thought.

"For what do you thank me, princess?"

Liu Wei smiled kindly, she understood well that Anna treated her like a daughter

Always so calm and understanding. Her heart instantly calmed when she was around.

Anna should be very anxious about the strange relationship between the queen and her, but how can you say no to the queen? Liu Wei couldn't and didn't even want to, she just wanted to spill over to Wang Zheng and have her ingrained in every part of her.

"I know you're worried about my relationship with the queen, we'll be more careful."

"It's okay, princess."

The young princess was a person very aware of her myriad circumstances. A high-grade omega princess completely in love with another omega who happens to be a queen who is in the midst of a marriage choice ceremony.

She sighed heavily, looked at herself in the mirror once more.

She was ready.

Liu Wei left her room with firm steps.

She touched her now covered glands and felt a slight discomfort. The touch of the cold gel lessened the possible discomfort to the touch in the period of estrus, but it still bothered.

She could feel her glands throbbing ready to release all their pheromone into the world. Really troublesome.

Liu Wei wore a black turtleneck blouse, pants and a tailored suit. All made to measure. A thin gold chain and a padlock pendant completed her look.

Elegant and simple.

Anna and Liu Wei got into the car and the driver silently drove them to their destination.

The theater was filled with guards and countless people crowded around it, completely curious about who might become the queen's future spouse.

Liu Wei could hear the voices and feel the excesses of scents and pheromones. She felt dizzy and just didn't lose her balance because Anna was very attentive by her side and stopped that from happening.

The young omega soon recovered and began her brief walk to the theater gate. Camera flashes followed her every step she took.

Next to the theater door was a small reception and some photography authorized by the royal family to take pictures of the guests.

A receptionist was waiting smiling. "The lady's name."

The young princess could feel the attentive eyes on her and many completely enchanted by her beauty, including the receptionist herself who could barely contain the blush on her face.

"Liu Wei."

It took the woman a few brief seconds to finally understand that she was there for work and a little awkwardly she started digging through the name among the guests and felt even more embarrassed to notice that she was one of the guests of the Bloody Spring... could be the future queen mother of Wang's country, she couldn't contain the guilt in her heart.

Her smile was as gentle as before, but a small trace of guilt was present now. She pointed to the entrance and made room for her to continue on her way freely.

"Please princess."

The place was really spacious and luxurious and the architecture was very atypical. It looked very much like a temple.

It didn't take many steps for Liu Wei to see a familiar face, her cousin was also there. "You look beautiful..."

Qui Mei approached the young princess to kiss her on the cheek and as she approached, she soon felt the strong smell of mint.

Qui Mei was a low-level alpha, which wasn't a big deal for her. Her alpha instincts were weaker and her sweet, mellow pheromone seemed to fit like a glove for her and her temper.

Liu Wei's pheromone was very strong to the point that Qui Mei herself felt uncomfortable, she felt very surprised to see her cousin exposing herself while she was so close to her estrus.

Liu Wei noticed that her cousin had noticed something. She sighed heavily.

Qui Mei could feel her throat burning. That pheromone was too strong for her. "Your pheromone is out of control, right?"

Liu Wei didn't say anything and just took some water, which was being distributed by one of the waiters.

"Be careful, tell me anything."

She nodded dutifully. It was nice to have someone I knew in such a situation.

"I'm fine... Let's go inside."

Liu Wei was an omega who drew a lot of attention. Everything about her seemed perfect, her pheromone, her body and her aura.

Her firm footsteps resounded in the hall and those present in that theater could not help but look at her. The queen was among them.

Wang Zheng couldn't contain the happiness in her chest at the sight of the woman he loved so much.

The extremely tight and fitted outfit made all of Liu Wei's curves be enhanced, the queen could feel her face burning.

She felt her nose sour when she saw her linking her arm with Qui Mei's, she wanted to be there accompanying the young omega. She took a sip of her drink and couldn't help but stare at Liu Wei's exuberance even more.

Her eyes finally met and Liu Wei smiled gently in the queen's direction.

The young princess was pleased to see Wang Zheng in that beautiful red dress, that was her omega. She smiled contentedly.

The two of them didn't approach and just exchanged secret glances, waiting for an opportunity for them to finally meet.

The night really looked like it would be long.