Wang Zheng looked at Hui Xu and his wife Hong Bo with a bitter feeling in her heart.

She just hated them at that moment, if it wasn't for them she would probably already be on her way to the palace. Liu Wei was her biggest and only concern.

Would she be okay? Is she in pain? Does she have a fever? How about her glands?

Could she really be able to focus on anything other than Liu Wei?!

Wang Zheng was interrupted by the strong smell of ginger filling the room.

Hong Bo was shamelessly spewing her pheromone and while not unpleasant she always spewed out more than necessary to get the attention of the omegas around her.

The queen stared into the alpha's black eyes in front of her and could see the defiant smile on her face. She took a deep breath, after all she wouldn't fight for dominance in pheromone and just turned her face to where Huan Yang was.

The young alpha promptly walked over and started spewing out his strong cinnamon pheromone, while acting normally as if nothing was happening.

The Huan family had a lot of high level alphas and for Hong Bo to face him she would have to expel a lot of pheromone and her disadvantage was clear.

The queen hated everything about Hui Xu and Hong Bo and it even seemed ironic that Chen Fu was related to them in some way.

Huan Yang stood by the queen's side and subtly chatted with her under the watchful eyes of unwanted visitors. He knew the need to defuse the situation, and he knew above all that the queen could not be absent from the theater until the end of the performance.

Being with Liu Wei might seem like the best option at the time, but in the future it could bring the couple big problems.

The young princess would be safe inside the palace and in addition to the support of the infirmary there was still the royal hospital that would be ready to receive her at any moment.

The situation, although worrying, was under control.

"Your Majesty, I am in constant contact with Liu Wei's maid…"

Wang Zheng nodded impatiently and briefly glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

"Ok keep me posted... The show is about to start shouldn't you go to your seats?"

Chen Fu briefly glanced at his wristwatch and expressed surprise at how much time had passed since he had arrived at the queen's room.

The smell of fish needed to return to the stage.

"Queen, please enjoy the show."

The man kindly smiled and with firm steps left the room.

Hui Xu and Hong Bo followed the alpha's movements with their eyes and smiled kindly, they should also enjoy and leave right?! To him it really seemed a pity… The throne looked really comfortable and beautiful. They were tempted to touch it and sit on that cushion that felt so soft and comfortable.

Hong Bo was the eldest daughter of one of the most traditional families in the Wang dynasty, and many of her brothers and cousins were part of the group that defended the Hong family's right to officially enter the line of succession to the throne.

She never openly defended either side, but there was no doubt that she wanted the throne as much as she wanted the Wang family to disappear completely.

Hui Xu firmly held his wife's hand and reluctantly bowed to the queen in a gesture of respect and farewell, he spoke with the best smile he had and Hong Bo followed his gestures and lines. "Your majesty will be surprised by Chen Fu's talent."

Wang Zheng smirked without the slightest interest in showing sympathy and just wanted them to leave as soon as possible.

"Of course, I can't wait..."

When the room was finally empty and only Huan Yang was present, Wang Zheng allowed herself a sigh of relief. "Ask the infirmary to be ready to act at any time and let Anna know they are at her disposal..."

Huan Yang nodded obediently as he took out his cell phone to give everyone orders.

Wang Zheng took a deep breath and in a few minutes she could see the theater lights dimming and loud music echoing in the room.

The show was finally going to start.

Chen Fu had a violin in his arms and next to it was an orchestra they played a wide range of songs that would make many emotional or bored.

The queen would be lying if she said he didn't play well, but she didn't have the mind to appreciate classical music while her woman was in need of her.

Liu Wei was in her room and whenever she sensed someone's presence, she would plead in her mind to be Wang Zheng.

She couldn't tell how many or which people visited her, she was disoriented and her vision was blurry.

Anna's hands were tied and she couldn't do much for the young princess and it was all down to trying to reduce the fever with damp cloths, any medication to contain estrus was prohibited during the Bloody Spring.

The beta saw all of Liu Wei's sanity drain away in a few hours, the girl was whispering Wang Zheng's name as if in the midst of prayers.

She sighed in her heart.

Anna just left the room when she realized that the young omega was in a deep sleep, she left with shuffling steps so as not to cause noise and disturb the rare moment of drowsiness.

Li Zhang and Qui Mei stood around Liu Wei's room and for hours they were quiet waiting for Anna to come out and finally be able to say some kind of news about her condition.

They were in complete silence for hours, the worry didn't allow them to relax and have a friendly conversation.

Seeing that Anna finally appeared in front of them and it seemed impossible not to yearn for news and in an unconscious movement they got up and stared intently at the beta. A smile appeared on her face and their hearts were finally able to relax.

"She's better..."

"Really? What a relief."

Anna was clearly tired and tense, but it was still her responsibility to take care of Liu Wei and she did so with great pleasure. Seeing the little omega like that was almost like seeing her own daughter suffering, it was uncomfortable and painful.

The first day of estrus was the most intense, but in Liu Wei's case it was the first time she had hallucinations and pains, so Anna feared that the estrus this time would be longer or more intense than the others. What was she supposed to do if she couldn't use suppressors?!

In normal cases the alpha would accompany the omega throughout the estrus comforting her and fulfilling her desires, but the same would happen if the partner was another omega?!

Could Anna ask Wang Zheng to stay almost exclusively with Liu Wei for hours and maybe even days at a time?! It was a big responsibility.

The beta observed Qui Mei and Li Zhang, they looked worried and tired, and soon tried to reassure them.

"Please don't bother, I'll keep an eye on Miss Liu Wei without rest."

Qui Mei smiled, she knew well how Anna was and just approached her in a gesture of comfort.

"It's not a bother, we care about Liu Wei."

Anna nodded and stared at the rags in her hand, she needed to take them to the laundry room and get a couple more clean rags. "I'll go to the laundry to get some clean rags, I'll be back in a moment."

"Feel free."

Qui Mei and Li Zhang were finally alone again and this time they were much more relieved, but a sudden sense of shame surged through them.

What were they supposed to do now?

The young alpha felt strangely shy and intimidated, Li Zhang was truly a stunning woman.

"Li Zhang… I'm sorry I left everything up to you with Weiwei."

The omega smiled kindly, after all it was not a problem to take care of Liu Wei.

"It's okay, the situation was really very complicated, it's not your fault."

Qui Mei played with the fingers of her hands in a failed attempt to lessen her anxiety and the sweet smell of sandalwood was stronger than before. Really cute. Li Zhang smiled into her heart.

"I-I'm a big fan of yours..."

The rose-scented omega laughed funny and facing the shy alpha was really satisfying, that was for sure a very special fan

"Same? Which do you like best?"

Qui Mei was thoughtful for a few seconds, for her it seemed very difficult to choose just one story. "Hard, but I choose: Marked bullet! I love Eunji, so sexy and cruel!"

Li Zhang made a surprised expression and briefly faked a sad face. "Do you think she's cruel?"

"Evil women have a different charm."

The two laughed together and in harmony.

Wicked women really had a lot to offer, Li Zhang thought.

"I'm glad you like Eunji and my story..."

They chatted excitedly for a long time until they were interrupted by strong, hurried footsteps that echoed throughout the place. The queen had finally returned to the palace and had barely stopped to greet them.

As quickly as she arrived, she entered Liu Wei's room.