Wang Zheng took advantage of Liu Wei's slight movement on the bed to lie down beside her. The sweet smell of mint was so pleasant and comforting that she wanted to drown in all that mint.

She could feel the young omega looking for her between the sheets and the girl in a gesture of intimacy snuggled into the queen's arms.

Her hearts seemed to be in sync and beat together in time.

The heavy and paced breathing was present as the only sound in that silent environment.

The queen couldn't tell how long she lay there watching Liu Wei sleep, but she could have stayed much longer.

As time passed, the movement in the bed became more intense and Wang Zheng could feel the young princess's temperature rise, she was getting feverish again. She felt her worry resurface and maybe she would have to use the clean cloths Anna had left in the room.

The young omega whispered the queen's name in a supplication of the slightest touch, she fought the drowsiness that made her eyes and body heavy, but how could she deny the sweet taste of pineapple so close to her? She couldn't. She wants more. A lot more.

The queen was touching Liu Wei's forehead in an attempt to caress, but that only made her more agitated as if she were putting fire in straw, when she least expected it there was already a fire that she was unable to put out easily.

Finally Liu Wei opened her eyes and despite her sleepiness, she was filled with lust.

She touched Wang Zheng's face in complete admiration, fearing in her heart that this woman was just another one of her hallucinations. Would she disappear after a few moments? How did her heart beat so fast for the slightest remnant of Wang Zheng?

The queen stretched out still holding Liu Wei in her arms and turned on a small lamp next to the bed. Omega of her was so beautiful. She lightly kissed her beloved's lips and the scent of mint seemed to stick in her mouth.

Liu Wei was very sensitive and the slight contact between her lips and Wang Zheng's was enough to feel her glands ache unbearably.

The young omega clung to the queen's body as if she desperately needed some support, she felt as if she was sinking in mud, she caught her fingers in the black strands pulling them tight causing Wang Zheng to let out a loud groan of pain.

They were in a confused tangle of emotions and actions.

Wang Zheng was panting and trying somehow to calm Liu Wei down, but nothing seemed good enough and her last option was to dump her pheromone on the environment.

The mint merged with the pineapple as naturally as breathing oxygen.

Liu Wei within minutes was calmer despite still hugging Wang Zheng with all her strength.

The little princess couldn't control her actions, she could barely tell for sure if it was day or night even staring at the open window.

All her senses boiled down to seeing and feeling Wang Zheng, her omega.

She sat on Wang Zheng's lap and laid her head on the queen's shoulder.

She could feel the light touch on her back, the cool, slender fingers running up and down her bare skin.

Liu Wei after being bathed by Anna remained completely naked to facilitate the cold compress used to reduce her fever.

Her body was rigid and heavy, she wanted nothing more than a tight hug, but her body unconsciously moved looking for the queen's touch.

Her voice was slurred and husky.

She babbled in an attempt to speak what she felt, but couldn't do anything but let out some sounds and moans.

The queen released her pheromone and stroked the back of the omega who was completely curled up and nestled in her lap.

"I am here and I will remain here with you."

She could feel Liu Wei's restlessness and could also feel that she was getting more and more excited.

She sighed into her heart.

Sure, it was great to love someone deeply, but being hostage to your instincts and staying that way was really painful.

Wang Zheng knew that the possibility of doing something with Liu Wei in that situation would only be a matter of time, but she still hoped that the little princess would regain a little more of her consciousness to move forward.

The sensation of having the mint candy was like a dream, but having the Liu Wei woman was even better.

Liu Wei after almost an hour had finally gotten used to Wang Zheng's presence and knew that she would not run away at any moment, she felt safe and immersed in the sweet taste of pineapple. Her glands no longer hurt and despite feeling weakness throughout her body, she was finally able to think more clearly.

The queen remained quiet and only her breathing was audible and if Liu Wei didn't face her it would be easy to suspect that she was sound asleep, but in reality she was awake and without the slightest trace of tiredness.

Liu Wei kissed Wang Zheng's cheek and whispered. "Baby…"

The queen smiled at that affectionate gesture. "Feeling better, Weiwei?"

The young omega nodded in agreement and could feel a faint laugh from the queen hit her ear. "Why lately I see you more often without clothes than with?"

Liu Wei felt her face burning, grabbed the sheet and quickly covered herself.

"I didn't know you could be shy."

The queen stared at the slight blush on the young omega's face and felt funny, so beautiful and so sweet, she narrowed the space between them hugging her tighter and making her lean back against her chest.

Liu Wei could smell the pineapple, but now that she could think more clearly she could smell the ginger and cinnamon sticking to the queen's clothes.

She felt sour. "You smell like alpha pheromone…"

Wang Zheng tried to smell her scent and couldn't detect any pheromones other than Liu Wei's. "I am?!"


"I'm sorry, I'm going to take a shower..."

The queen tried to get up to go take a shower, but was completely pulled by Liu Wei.

Worse than other people's pheromones was not having Wang Zheng with her.

Liu Wei knelt down, standing taller than Wang Zheng on the bed, and the sight of seeing the sheet sliding over the young omega's silky skin was an indescribable sensation.

The young iomega released Wang Zheng's hair and tied her own hair with the same elastic.

Yes, she was hot, very hot and would make Wang Zheng hot with her.

Her face was red and her body was hot, her glands were starting to swell again and she unceremoniously started putting all her pheromone out as she approached to kiss Wang Zheng.

"It doesn't matter... Come here... I want you..."

Liu Wei kissed, bit and licked her.

There wouldn't be an inch that she wouldn't finger or lick.

She was underdressed and the queen overdressed, really uncomfortable.

Wang Zheng could barely contain her own groans and she could feel her clothes getting wetter.

Things were getting out of hand and she wanted to make sure Liu Wei had some awareness of what she was doing. "Liu Wei, what do you want to do?"

The little princess stopped what she was doing and faced her omega, what did she want to do? She wanted to do many things. She sighed in excitement. "I want to feel you, I want my scent marked on you. I want to hear you moaning my name…"

Liu Wei stared at the beautiful dress the queen was wearing, it really was a great choice, lightly touching her bust and grasping the fabric with her hands and in one quick motion ripped the garment completely. "Wang Zheng, release your pheromone on me, okay?"

The queen was completely mute, her vision was clouded, she really was being completely taken over by temptation.

Liu Wei whispered in her ear. "You look better like this..."