Liu Wei was at the table with Wang Zheng, the two had finished eating and were now drinking tea together.

The queen was focused on her various documents and the silence between the two was comfortable.

The young omega couldn't help but look at Wang Zheng from time to time, she looked so beautiful concentrated like that, she felt satisfied. That was her omega, she could admire her as much as she wanted and whenever she wanted.

She sighed in her heart.

Between one look and another the queen realized that she was being closely watched, she smiled feeling funny. "What's it?"

Liu Wei liked the queen's presence, but wouldn't it be more comfortable if she were in her office? After all, she could already feel her estrus much more controlled and peaceful. "You can go to your office to work."

The queen arched an eyebrow in confusion. "Does it bother you?"

"No, I like..."

Wang Zheng touched he omega's hand and smiled gently. "What's wrong then?"

Liu Wei was not an easily embarrassed person, but Wang Zheng made her as red as a pepper. "I do not want to bother you..."

The queen laughed lightly and finally stood up and hugged Liu Wei from behind. She enfolded her in her arms as she could feel the soft sweetness of mint envelop her. "But you're my girlfriend why would you bother me?"

The little princess was startled by that phrase... Girlfriend? Did they date? Her heart was racing and her face was hot. She felt so happy and excited.


"Of course. How are we going to get married without dating first?"

They were serious, they really wanted to get married and they really wanted to be together.

Dating seemed like a small step towards something much bigger.

After all, there were so many obligations involving the need to make their relationship effective that dating was similar to a whim between the two lovers.

A small gesture of affection in the midst of all the love they felt.

Liu Wei laughed feeling curious and happy, they were already engaged, should dating be a concern?! "Do you care about that?"

The queen briefly released Liu Wei especially to sit on her lap. "Clear!"

"It's all right."

Liu Wei hugged Wang Zheng's waist and they stayed that way as they wrapped and warmed, feeling the time pass trapped in an embrace and the light caress.

The queen felt a light touch on her cheek and smiled, staring at the silent room feeling that it was very empty and still.

"I was thinking... Maybe it would be nice to put a TV in the bedroom."

The young princess stared at the queen without hiding her surprise, was a television really necessary? She looked in the same direction the queen was looking, she couldn't help but feel funny.

Liu Wei wherever she walked the castle was silent and calm, there were no TV signals, stereos, computers.

If she hadn't already seen the queen's computer, she wouldn't doubt that she lived completely isolated from any technology.

"TV? Why?"

The queen had a serious face, for her it seemed really important to have a TV at that moment. "If we want to watch a movie before bed, how are we going to do it?"

Liu Wei couldn't help but laugh, how could she be so cute talking about buying a television?! "I've never seen a TV in this palace."

"There really isn't, it must be in the staff area, but there isn't any TV in the rooms I use."


The queen nodded.

The reality was a little less interesting than imagined. She didn't have a tv because she didn't have time to watch it and her days were filled with tons and tons of work, she just preferred to lie down completely forgetting about the world.

But she has already watched some TV dramas while walking around the hospital, pregnant patients loved watching romances and comedies and loved even more to comment on what the characters did during the story, the queen naturally learned of countless plots just by talking to her patients at the end of the day.

Some laughed uncontrollably until they felt sad from laughing so hard. Pregnant women have their hormones really out of control.

The queen felt uncomfortable whenever she stared at the empty wall opposite the bed. She wanted to have more things to talk about, she wanted to have more things in common with Liu Wei, she wanted to have more moments where only their presence mattered.

"I never thought about seeing a movie, but yesterday I wanted to see a movie with you and I didn't have a TV."

Wang Zheng spent many waking hours watching Liu Wei sleep and maybe staring into that dark room for so many hours made her really feel uncomfortable with how impersonal he was.

The silence didn't bother her before, but now she wanted more from Liu Wei from her smiles, she wanted more from the conversations, she wanted more from that scented and colorful feeling.

The young princess looked thoughtful listening to Wang Zheng comment on the need for a TV. It sounded like the conversation of a young couple building their home... She liked that. "Well, when do you want to buy one?"

The queen hurried out of Liu Wei's lap and ran to the paperwork on the table pulling her computer from the bottom of that huddle. "Now, help me choose?"

The young omega laughed with satisfaction, went to the bed and sat down waiting for her girlfriend to come to her... Girlfriend. Well, there was no way to put into words how happy she was feeling, the world could end and she kept smiling happily. "Fine. Bring your computer."

Wang Zheng took the computer and carried it to the bed, she leaned against Liu Wei and the two leaned on each other. Their bodies glued and comfortable together. "Are you going to choose and ask Huan Yang to buy it?"



The queen put it on the search engine and started her search.

She didn't know television had so many options, so many sizes and so many brands.

It was really curious how some TVs looked the same, so why was the price difference so big? It was a new world that opened up, it was really curious and interesting.

Liu Wei explained everything to her patiently, she always liked to know about electronics and despite not being very addicted to cell phones or computers she liked to understand how they worked. Especially the lighting and color system, didn't it seem magnificent to think that a TV could have its own shade of black but could also use its own lack of light to create the illusion of black? It all depended on how technological the device was.

It made her wonder if she would ever go back to studying art... Well, she didn't even know if she really wanted to go back to school. But would she have the option to come back someday?!

The biggest doubt in her heart was whether she could continue her dreams and desires by being by Wang Zheng's side... Or would she have to give up everything in the name of the well being of her family and the kingdom?

They spent at least half an hour looking at the most varied models of television and Liu Wei was excitedly commenting on the first movie they would watch together.

What would be the perfect movie for the first movie moment between the two of them?!

The young princess touched the notebook's touchpad and her hand touched Wang Zheng's.

They could really make that relationship work. "I like this one, it looks big... I think it would take years to change it."

Wang Zheng agreed. "Do you think that's enough?"

The little princess watched the room, she knew the rooms were similar in size and structure. So her bedroom could easily be used as a model for the ultimate place the queen had in mind.

"Sure. Where do you want to put her?"


"But the TV is yours."

Wang Zheng finally put her computer next to the bed and clung to Liu Wei's body.

The young princess started a caressing session on her omega's back and they talked completely snuggled together.

"But you're my girlfriend."

"Yes… Your girlfriend."