Wang Zheng would be lying if she said she had a good night's sleep, after meeting with Hong Bo she found herself in a big dilemma about what she should do with that material.

Although she hated the alpha, the queen knew that she would not receive that proof if the woman was involved with the explosions and this led to the belief that it was probably all the work of Chen Fu alone.

The queen had some questions in her heart, mainly what Chen Fu really wanted with all this.

The queen as an omega couldn't risk being branded, so marrying an alpha, beta or omega would make no difference in theory. The constant pressure for her to choose an alpha was for social status, after all what was wrong with two omegas being together?! Nothing, right?!

An omega being together in wedlock as an alpha was what people understood as normal from their backgrounds and beliefs. Nothing else.

Beliefs and experiences can be wrong.