Anna and Wang Zheng after facing the huge crowd of people were finally on their way to the palace.

The queen had her eyes closed as she felt the movement of the car, her head ached and she felt fatigue trying to overcome her.

Anna watched her and couldn't help but feel worried about the queen.

She sighed in her heart.

 "Does Your Majesty have anything in mind for today? Today is your day off."

The queen chuckled subtly, slack even seemed like a little joke. "I gave up on the idea of taking a break after all this chaos… Just ask Huan Yi to come to me, I need to talk to him about Huan Yang's status."

Anna smiled upon hearing about Huan Yang. "I heard he woke up."

The queen nodded.

The fact that alpha is slowly showing signs of improvement was really encouraging, everyone was hoping for the moment when he would finally be able to relate to people as before.