'I believe this is something that only the future can tell us... He will only be guilty at the moment when a trial can confirm this based on evidence. Also, I want to ensure that everything is under the law aspects, I don't intend to blame innocent people... Next question...'

A loud screaming sound was present while the sound of the TV still resounded through the room.

Chen Fu had the device turned on to the queen's live broadcast in front of the hospital.

He felt so much anger in his heart, how could this all be happening to him?

How did they manage to connect him to the explosion? Nothing made sense.

He was very angry about everything that was happening and he couldn't help but be annoyed for having stayed in Wang's country for so long, if he had managed to solve all the family's pending issues in the allotted time he would have been at his house a long time ago. .. But of course things had to go wrong somehow.