Wang Zheng remained silent all the way to the palace, she was still irritated by the argument she had earlier with Chow Niu.

The queen didn't know whether to praise or condemn her for the beta's daring to respond with such courage and defiance.

After Chow Niu left the meeting room, a series of questions began, everyone seemed distressed at the possibility of Wang Zheng acting recklessly.

Perhaps in the eyes of the queen the most irritating thing was realizing that everyone inside that room was somehow in favor of the vice president of parliament.

It wasn't uncommon to be lonely in her own decisions, but it was definitely troublesome.

Anna kept silent at the queen's side, in all her years of tending and serving she already knew full well that she shouldn't bother an angry queen and the same worked when it came to her wife.

After all, it had to be some kind of universal rule that angry women deserved to be quiet and in peace.