Liu Wei stared at the beautiful white horse in front of her.

How could she explain? She didn't hate animals, she was just terrified of them.

They did not communicate clearly and were often unpredictable.

Wang Zheng was smiling beautifully at Rafi and Liu Wei couldn't imagine a happier scene from her girlfriend.

Just seeing her smile made her smile too.

The queen approached her omega and gently took her hand and pulled her closer.

"Come on, pat him on the head a little."


Liu Wei was shaking with nervousness and was even sweating.

Rafi was scarier than her father Liu Chong.

She sighed in an attempt to calm herself and despite her reluctance she approached the horse.

Yes, Rafi was really handsome with an aura of a winner.

The horse seemed to understand well what Wang Zheng wanted the two of them to do and he seemed to cooperate.