Days passed and that was enough time for the date of the engagement party to finally arrive.

Yup. It was the big day.

But in the meantime a few things happened.

Liu Wei diligently started taking the medications prescribed by Zhao Tao and even her estrus had been delayed.

Of course, she still felt the sensitivity of being about to go into estrus.

Estrus was a natural physiological process, there wasn't much you could do about it, just control its effects and make it less complicated for the omega.

However, Liu Wei had the rare feeling that her nights sleep had improved and her sensitivity to pheromones had decreased a little.

It was undeniable to Wang Zheng how surprising it really was how quickly the drug treatment took effect.

The queen made a point of making daily reports to Zhao Tao and the doctor was kept informed every day about his patient's condition.