Zhang Xia, who had no control over her attention, could only take advantage of the silence in the bathroom to breathe and calm down.

Liu Wei's little comment about her spewing out her pheromone only made her feel awkward... Maybe she just didn't want to accept that she was deliberately trying to win over that beta.

So embarrassing.

Chow Niu as a beta would never suspect that she was trying to get her attention with her pheromones, she could push her glands to the max and nothing would happen between them.

The Omega stared at her reflection in the large mirror, she could only see the red line on her face. She felt hot.

The last thing Zhang Xia could imagine was having that kind of emotion for someone, at a party she didn't even want to be at and with a person who wasn't her husband.

She removed her clothes without any kind of difficulty until she was finally completely naked.