[Christmas Special 02] I want to cook with you.

Wang Zheng, despite her drowsiness, struggled to stay awake, mainly because Liu Wei was in the kitchen preparing something delicious for the two of them to eat.

Finally, what had been agreed upon was that they would have hot porridge, tea and a slice of strawberry cake.

The smell of meat perfumed the house and gradually hunger took over from sleep.

The queen ignored the television on in the living room and walked softly into the kitchen, the sight of Liu Wei dressed in an apron while humming some tune was refreshing.

It was like experiencing the best that an ordinary life could offer.

The little princess who, despite being extremely focused on finishing everything quickly, soon noticed the presence of her wife, mainly because she was increasingly careless about holding her pheromones.

If they were alone, the queen always kept the environment flooded with pineapple.


"You are hungry?"