Days have passed since the unusual encounter between the little princess and Chow Niu.


Well, there wasn't much to be said and not even much to be thought, the friendship persisted just the same and Liu Wei and Chow Niu were still as close as ever.


In fact, maybe even closer.


They shared more confidences and sincerities were spoken so easily now that all the truths had been spoken and brutally laid bare.


The little princess now knew that Chow Niu was aware of her pheromone and it made her curious in many ways, and this topic became a big constant between them.


The two friends talked a lot about how a Beta's perception of the world was compared to an Omega's.


How was it possible to live without knowing what someone else's pheromone was?! Or rather, what was it like to live a lifetime without it and suddenly feel it?!